I have updated the address to 1312 (2nd Floor), 20th Main, 9th Cross, 2nd
Phase J.P.Nagar, Bangalore - 560 078. The landmark is JP Nagar Police
Station / Rangashankara.
- Sunil
-Original Message-
From: BangPypers
[mailto:bangpypers-bounces+sunil.murthy=infotoros@python.org] On Behalf
Thanks Sunil,
I have scheduled a meetup here:
Everyone can edit this. So, please update the address of the place.
If anyone would like to present something there, please update the
'Details' of the meetup event or reply back on this thread.
Thanks Deepak. Looking forward to the meetup. I suppose Nov 10th works well
since the previous weekend is Karnataka Rajyotsava holiday weekend and there
may be folks going out of town. I'll be happy to host in our office in
Any topic suggestions? Like to suggest django-social-auth an
On 10 October 2012 10:34, Asif Jamadar wrote:
> Checkout https://github.com/benjaoming/django-wiki. I've installed it and so
> far it looks very promising.
With all due respect, please take this off this list, as
this has nothing germane to the list. The original poster
admits this, but someho
HI All,
We haven't had a meetup for quite some time. How about we have a meetup on
10th November, Saturday ?
Deepak Garg,
Data Center and Cloud Div.
Citrix R&D, India
Github: https://github.com/gargdeepak
LinkedIn: http://in.linkedin.com/in/deepakgargiit
Slideshare: http://www