+On Sat, Oct 22, 2011 at 12:05 PM, Asif Jamadar
> It is returning the value ( I,e attr1 or attr2) .in this case how can I get
> the label(or name) of the choicefield.
> I tried
> for val in cf.fields['value'].choices:
Since you created the form, would you not already kno
I have django form which consist of one choice field with following choices
Choices = [('attr1', 1), ('attr1', 2), ('attr3',3), ('attr2',1), ('attr2',2),
('attr2', 3)]
If I do value = form.cleaned_data('value')
It is returning the value ( I,e attr1 or attr2) .in this case how can I get the
The numbers are just fixed values. But see I want to generate multiple lists
from that one criteria list
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Dear Python hackers
>> I checkout folder from repository to sat c:/MY/Application/TEMP
folder (TEMP folder i create)
>> I read a file from destination folder and perform some task and
close it
>> Now after performing task I need to delete entire checkout
folder from TE