We are using bacula 5.0.3 with mysql 5.0.77 on RHEL 5.7 x64. We are backing
tens millons of file and we are staring to see performance problems with mysql.
Our server has 6 GB of ram and 1 quad core Intel Xeon E5520 @2.27 Ghz.
We have converted from MyISAM to InnoDB in our mysql, and we
I am trying to restore a directory tree (and the files inside) with bconsole
in a shell script with no success.
Restoring a single file works:
bconsole -c /etc/bacula/bconsole.conf < /root/miprueba
Content of /root/miprueba:
restore client=wiki current
Hello Bacula-list
Any other idea about how to restore a directory from a backup within a shell
- Original Message -
From: Maria Arrea
Sent: 03/23/12 12:30 PM
To: bacula-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [Bacula-users] Restoring from bconsole in a shell
Sent: 03/26/12 01:10 PM
To: bacula-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [Bacula-users] Restoring from bconsole in a shell script
>>>>> On Mon, 26 Mar 2012 10:32:15 +0200, Maria Arrea said: > > Hello
>>>>> Bacula-list > > Any other idea about how to restore a d
Op 20120327 om 08:42 schreef Maria Arrea: > Hello > > Still no luck, "dir="
option is not recognized: > > # cat /root/miprueba > restore client=wiki
current dir="/root/" yes > > # bconsole -c /etc/bacula/bconsole.conf <
/root/miprueba > Co
I am running happily bacula 5.0.3 for 1 year. Last weekend a full job took too
much time, and the rest of backups started too late, on Monday. I have read
several time about the schedule resource, but I can not find how to "force" and
end time for a job. For example, the full backup of s