rB001, etc. My only
reasoning for this is to try and keep things simple. Is there any
advantage to having lots of small files as compared to a few large ones?
Thanks for any feedback.
Lyn Amery
Gaia Resources
p +61 8 92277309
w www.gaiaresou
Hi all,
I've been wading through the documentation on how to exclude
files and directories from backup jobs but have had no luck.
I'm trying to exclude files like .pgpass and .svn directories
from wherever they occur in the filesystem.
The following works for /tmp and /var/tmp but seems to have
located in
his scratch pool is deleted. Is this a good procedure? How would I
go about it? Where would I define the scratch pool?
Thanks for your assistance.
Lyn Amery
Gaia Resources
p +61 8 92277309
w www.gaiaresources.com.