Hi Yann Cézard, Hi All
I read your email and I saw that you upgraded your Bacula from 2.0.3 to 2.4.4
like I want to do. Could you confirm me that I don't need to execute some
script for the database ? You did just to do that to upgrade ?
./configure (your options)
make install
Hi All !
I recently upgraded my bacula in version 2.4.4. But I have still a problem
about one backup :
19-Feb 00:03 xxx-sd JobId 23174: Recycled volume " xxx -0002" on device " xxx "
(/3/ xxx /bacula), all previous data lost.
19-Feb 01:04 xxx: xxx.2009-02-19_00.00.00.24 Fatal error: backup.c:87
Hi All
My Bacula is in version 2.4.4. I upgraded recently (2.0.3 > 2.4.4), this action
fix a problem about seg fault :) but i have still some problems.
I give you message that i can read in my log. I search in the documentation and
also in the website a text about « log message error » to can u
escher [mailto:dresche...@gmail.com]
Envoyé : jeudi 19 février 2009 14:44
À : François Mehault; bacula-users
Objet : Re: [Bacula-users] Network send error to SD / Bad response from stored
to open command / Network error on data channel
On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 7:39 AM, François Mehault
Hi All
I would like to know the value by default for the directive Maximum Concurrent
Jobs in the Storage ressource for DIR and SD.
« The default is one for the Director and ten for both the File daemon and
Hi All
I would like to have a clarification about the volume statut Full and Used. I
read this page :
I read also that :
I use disk, not tape or dvd. And my filesystem is not full so i don't
understand what happens.
Thanks for your response.
-Message d'origine-
De : John Drescher [mailto:dresche...@gmail.com]
Envoyé : mardi 24 février 2009 16:32
À : François Mehault; bacula-users
Hi after all, you are probably right !!
Today my filesystem is not full but it was probably full when my volume have
been labeled Full
-Message d'origine-
De : François Mehault [mailto:francois.meha...@netplus.fr]
Envoyé : mardi 24 février 2009 16:35
À : John Drescher; bacula-users
Hil All
I have a little pb. I would like to backup something on a third machine, not
the Client machine and not on the Director's machine.
I will use the directive File in the ressource FileSet like this :
Include {
Options { ... }
File = "\\myMachine\backup"
But this don't works !
Well, in fact i found the solution :
File = "\\\myMachine/backup"
De : François Mehault [mailto:francois.meha...@netplus.fr]
Envoyé : mercredi 25 février 2009 16:39
À : bacula-users
Objet : [Bacula-users] backups on machine different from DIR or Client
Hil All
I have a little p
Lol, maybe 13 backslashes works ? ;)
-Message d'origine-
De : Graham Keeling [mailto:gra...@equiinet.com]
Envoyé : mercredi 25 février 2009 17:08
À : bacula-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Objet : Re: [Bacula-users] backups on machine different from DIR or Client
On Wed, Feb 25, 2009 at 04:58
Hi All
I would like to know if it's possible to backup something on a dataStore (where
there is no DIR and SD daemon, just disks). My client is a Windows server 2003
(bacula-fd) , my bacula-dir/sd is on a freeBSD, and I want to backup my client
in another place which is not a bacula-dir, sd, fd
emon, just disks). My client is a Windows server 2003 (bacula-fd) , my
bacula-dir/sd is on a freeBSD, and I want to backup my client in another place
which is not a bacula-dir, sd, fd ...
De : François Mehault [mailto:francois.meha...@netplus.fr]
Envoyé : jeudi 26 février 20
Hi All
I have to backup a dump of a database which is on a remote disk (cifs) of my
client machine (bacula-fd). I succeed to backup something which is on the disk
C:/ (disk system of my client) but I don't succeed to backup on the disk J:/ ,
the remote disk. How can I succeed to do this ?
Have you precised the directives Max concurrent jobs in the Director, Job,
Client, and Storage resources. ?
De : rjustinwilli...@gmail.com [mailto:rjustinwilli...@gmail.com]
Envoyé : jeudi 26 février 2009 16:
Thanks a lot John Drescher and Berend Dekens for your help !!!
-Message d'origine-
De : Berend Dekens [mailto:ber...@cyberwizzard.nl]
Envoyé : jeudi 26 février 2009 17:04
À : François Mehault
Cc : bacula-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Objet : Re: [Bacula-users] b
: jeudi 26 février 2009 17:04
À : François Mehault
Cc : bacula-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Objet : Re: [Bacula-users] backup cifs fileset
François Mehault wrote:
> Could not stat J:/test: ERR=The system cannot find the path specified
The short answer: you can't - not like that anyw
Hi All
I would like to know what is the best way to do some report with bacula. I am
studying bacula-web and webacula, i read also there is script for logwatch.
In fact i have customers who have for each several clients (server) and i need
to have statistics (files, bytes, ...) for each customer
Hi All,
For now, all jobs write in the same catalog. We grouped the jobs and we want
that every group use it's own catalog. Is there any way to "split" a catalog to
may different catalogs ??
And also split the file bacula.log ?
Yes we know that we can define different catalog in bacula-dir, but the current
situation is that all jobs write in the same catalog, and we would like to know
if we define a second catalog in bacula-dir and redefine some jobs to work with
the new catalog, what is the precautions to take before
I have a problem this morning, all my jobs had status « is waiting », they was
like that because my bacula-dir tried to prune an oldest volume. This volume is
on a disk which is full, so I think that's why bacula-dir didn't succeed to
prune the volume. But i can't fix the problem about file
like I want. I ask myself if I delete the volume and create a new
with the same name ...
-Message d'origine-
De : John Drescher [mailto:dresche...@gmail.com]
Envoyé : jeudi 12 mars 2009 14:26
À : François Mehault; bacula-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Objet : Re: [Bacula-users] Pruning o
You can see also webacula.
-Message d'origine-
De : Uwe Schuerkamp [mailto:hoo...@nionex.net]
Envoyé : jeudi 26 mars 2009 09:20
À : Bill Szkotnicki
Cc : bacula-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Objet : Re: [Bacula-users] brief reporting
On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 04:02:08PM -04
Hi All
I would like to know how I could restore a file which has some accent.
I want to restore with bconsole,
In bconsole :
$ ls
héhé lol.txt
$ mark h
And i can't mark my file :s, and I can't rename the file (it is the file of my
Thanks everybody, it works now
Fran*ois ;)
-Message d'origine-
De : Graham Keeling [mailto:gra...@equiinet.com]
Envoyé : vendredi 27 mars 2009 09:47
À : bacula-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Objet : Re: [Bacula-users] how restore a file with accent ?
On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 11:36:29AM -0600
Could you give me this information about the job:
Start time
Schedule time
End time
Max wait time
I have maybe an idea..
-Message d'origine-
De : Stefan Sorin Nicolin [mailto:bac...@nicolinux.org]
Envoyé : lundi 30 mars 2009 13:14
À : Bacula-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Objet :
information, also you can see this page
-Message d'origine-
De : Stefan Sorin Nicolin [mailto:bac...@nicolinux.org]
Envoyé : lundi 30 mars 2009 14:46
À : François Mehault
Cc : Bacula-
Hi All
I used webacula to do some restore, but I saw that it can't. I use bacula 2.4.4
and webacula 1.4. Well, I started a restore with webacula, I executed and i saw
the director :
Sortie du directeur:
Connecting to Director localhost:9101
1000 OK: labobe2-dir Version: 2.4.4 (28 December 2008)
Hi All !
I would like to restore a file which is in a folder named « Mes données ». As
you can see there is accent in the folder's name. So i can't enter in the
folder on bconsole :
$ dir
-drwxrwxrwx 1 root wheel0 2009-04-08 13:58:38 C:/Rep1/Mes
-rwxrwxrwx 1 ro
héhé lol.txt
-Message d'origine-
De : James Harper [mailto:james.har...@bendigoit.com.au]
Envoyé : jeudi 9 avril 2009 01:39
À : François Mehault; Bacula-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Objet : Re: [Bacula-users] restore file in folder with accent
> Hi All !
> I would
t but it could be big
-Message d'origine-
De : James Harper [mailto:james.har...@bendigoit.com.au]
Envoyé : jeudi 9 avril 2009 11:26
À : François Mehault; Bacula-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Objet : Re: [Bacula-users] restore file in folder with accent
> I use putty.
> On my Fre
À : bacula-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Objet : Re: [Bacula-users] restore file in folder with accent
Is putty set to the correct character set translation (for ex. utf-8)?
François Mehault írta:
> I use putty.
> On my FreeBSD 7 where is installed bacula-dir and sd:
> <10:1
HI All
I have two jobs wich write in the same volume, same pool, same schedule and use
2 differents storage. And I ask myself why today there is two volumes rather
than one :
519 | TOTO-Daily-0519 | Append| 1 | 606,410,544 |0 |
2,592,000 | 1 |0 | 0 | File
Hi all,
I contact you because I need to understand very well the behavior of bacula in
a particular case. I have two jobs which write in the same Pool/Volume, but
they use different Storage. They are executed at the same time. In my Pool, I
have VolumeRetention = 30d and Maximum Volumes = 31. S
Pour chaque client que tu sauvegardes, tu déclares une ressource Client.
Ensuite pour chaque client tu déclares une ressource Job, et tous tes jobs
appellent la même ressource Fileset (là où tu dit que tu sauvegardes le
Et dans bconsole tu fais "run" et tu lances un des jobs que tu as
20 Clients et 20 FileSet, je vais donc avoir 20*20 jobs. C'est à
ça que je pensais dans l'usine à gaz. Alors que si une astuce permet
d'avoir seulement 20 jobs ça serait le top.
Encore merci d'avance.
François Mehault a écrit :
> Pour chaque client que tu sauvegardes, tu déc
Hi All
I contact you because I have a problem that I don't know solve. I have a job
which works like this :
21-Apr-2009 Backup OK -- with warnings
20-Apr-2009 Backup OK
19-Apr-2009 Backup OK -- with warnings
18-Apr-2009 Backup OK
17-Apr-2009 Backup OK -- with warnings
16-Apr-2009 Backup OK
Hi All
This morning I have a strange problem with my Bacula : I have a running job
which must be finished. (see with bconsole status dir)
Well I restart daemon bacula-dir, bacula-sd, then , still in bconsole, I did a
« status client=clientName » :
*status client=clientName
Connecting to Client
Hi All
I have two jobs which are running in my DB Catalog for one client, and no jub
running in my bacula-dir for this client, I would like to correct information
in my Catalog. As I have this problem, my client can't be saved. And I don't
succeed to cancel the jobs with the cancel command in b
on't know if it's really a good idea, someone can say me if I am wrong
or not ?
and I read also about dbchek, I don't know if this tool can help me to solve my
De : François Mehault [mailto:francois.meha...@netplus.fr]
Envoyé : jeudi 28 mai 200
Bacula always marks Volume
"Client-Daily-0414" as Used.
All works since 1 month, so I don't understand why there is a problem now.
Someone can help me ? I can provide you all information you need to help me to
fix my problem. If I don't find the solution today, backup will f
use /bacula/examples/reports/report.pl with crontab
François Mehault
Netplus Communication
-Message d'origine-
De : Tolj Mario [mailto:mario.t...@champittet.ch]
Envoyé : mercredi 10 juin 2009 11:56
À : bacula-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Objet : [Bacula-users] How to send a
Hi All
I contact you because I don't succeed to cancel my job. This morning I have
numerous Job in running job section in bconsole. I have some problem that I
will fix but for the moment I want to stop properly all running jobs. So I use
the cancel command, then my job is marked canceled : JobI
found nothing, I just need
the main features or critical bug fixed. Is-it possible to find the same
information for 2.4.3, 2.4.2, 2.4.1 on http://www.bacula.org/en/?page=news for
others versions in another place ?
François Mehault
Oki thanks
-Message d'origine-
De : Arno Lehmann [mailto:a...@its-lehmann.de]
Envoyé : lundi 9 février 2009 11:06
À : bacula-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Objet : Re: [Bacula-users] documentation old versions
09.02.2009 10:07, Timo Neuvonen wrote:
>> My Bacula is currently in
Hi All
I would like to know what the best to do is. Today, in my company, backups are
scheduled like this: Full every Sunday and Incremental backups other days. But
resources becomes fully, I need to configure Bacula to take less space. But
also I need to preserve data safe. So I would like to
allow you to take one disk off site - and at the same time, you
double your disk space.
François Mehault wrote:
> Hi All
> I would like to know what the best to do is. Today, in my company, backups
> are scheduled like this: Full every Sunday and Incremental backups other
> days.
Hi All
I installed bacula-dir, -sd, -fd on a FreeBSD 7 LaboBE2 ( I
installed also bacula-fd on another FreeBSD 7 LaboBE1 ( and on a
Windows Server 2003 LaboBE3 ( to backup.
I created some jobs, pool, schedule, fileset, client ... my goal is to test
This pb is solved , forget this mail :)
De : François Mehault [mailto:francois.meha...@netplus.fr]
Envoyé : mercredi 11 février 2009 17:05
À : bacula-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Objet : [Bacula-users] Unable to connect to Storage daemon
Hi All
I installed
Hi All !
I want to upgrade my Bacula (currently in v 2.0.3) in 2.4.4. So, I install the
Bacula v 2.4.4 on another OS just to see the difference.
Then I realized a dump of the catalogue database in my Bacula v 2.0.3 and 2.4.4
to compare. I did a diff on my two dump and there is one thing which is
50 matches
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