n the tape changer. But we also
bring our tapes offsite, just in case anything happen to our server room.
But is there a way to track that information related to the tape volume.
Eric Rousse
Telmatik inc.
204 Montarville, suite 250
Boucherville, QC, Canada
J4B 6S2
ist of the offsite tapes.
Alan Brown a écrit :
> On Mon, 13 Nov 2006, Eric Rousse wrote:
>> Currently, I store tape locally
> In a data safe?
>> and in the tape changer. But we also bring our tapes offsite, just in
>> case anything happen to our server room
each. I tested the transfer between the backup machine and
the client, and it's working fine for smaller files though.
Anyone has a clue about that ?
Eric Rousse
System Administrator
This SF.net email
A, that seems to have did the trick.
Still took like 2 hours or so, but it didn't timeout before the end.
Jose E. Molina a écrit :
Eric Rousse wrote:
I tried the heartbeat interval = 600, in my bacula-dir.conf file, for
that specific client. And still no good.