[Bacula-users] [OT] Postgres initial database encoding

2007-09-26 Thread David Ballester
Hi to all: Some days before I send a mail to the list asking about advices on problems with postgres database encoding and some bacula-fd in clients with incompatible encoding http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/message.php?msg_name=1190366372.6121.21.camel%40localhost.localdomain AFAIK, there is

[Bacula-users] [OT] Postgresql database enconding and heterogeneous clients

2007-10-09 Thread David Ballester
Hi to all: I've the bacula catalog under Postgresql and the database was created with UTF8 encoding. Now, trying to protect one 'old' client ( REDHAT 3 ) I get errors from backup job - better said, the errors are raised in the database - claiming for some characters not valid fro UTF8 encoding, ex

[Bacula-users] Calling client script ( Before / After jobs ) with parameters

2007-10-23 Thread David Ballester
Hi to all: I'm currently working on the integration with bacula and rman, the tool to make backups/restores of Oracle databases. Reading bacula documentation, seems that some releases before, the admin was able to define environment variables inside bacula ( and use them as parameters for the s

Re: [Bacula-users] Howto Backup Oracle with Bacula

2009-02-28 Thread David Ballester
El vie, 27-02-2009 a las 16:50 -0300, Victor Hugo dos Santos escribió: > the principle of idea: > > In production environment downtimes of DB isn't allowed, for around > this problem, we will need: > 1 - Configure Oracle DB in backup mode > 2 - Create a Snapshot from files > 3 -

[Bacula-users] Server migration to another host and upgrade from 2.2.6 to 2.4.2 at same time

2009-03-03 Thread David Ballester
Hi to all: This mail is only to say thanks for Bacula and is design :). I've migrated my backup server to another host ( changed postgresql version from 7.4 to 8.3 ) and upgraded in the new host from bacula 2.2.6 to 2.4.2 without any issue. I've the same catalog in the new database and clients whe

Re: [Bacula-users] use an FTP to making backup ?

2009-03-18 Thread David Ballester
El mié, 18-03-2009 a las 04:29 -0700, Kevin Keane escribió: > Write a shell script that retrieves the information from the FTP server > into a directory on the local server. Then call that script as a Run > Before Job script. > > Google for how to back up databases; it's the same fundamental pri

Re: [Bacula-users] Era of virtual machines (block level differentials and incrementals)?

2009-06-02 Thread David Ballester
Hi: My 2 cents about backing up block level. I think that could be interesting for Bacula in a medium future to take a look at the file system btrfs ( actually developed by Oracle ). Among other features, it mantains a bitmap of OS blocks changed in the file system, afaik, querying this bitmap all

Re: [Bacula-users] How to set up large database backup

2008-11-25 Thread David Ballester
El dc 26 de 11 del 2008 a les 07:34 +1300, en/na David Jurke va escriure: > Thanks James, > > Sorry, missed that bit... Oracle on Linux. The database is, as you say, for > the business, hence the need to back it up! > > And sadly no, our SAN doesn't support snapshots, or for sure I'd have been

Re: [Bacula-users] How to set up large database backup

2008-11-25 Thread David Ballester
El dt 25 de 11 del 2008 a les 13:12 -0500, en/na Dan Langille va escriure: > On Nov 25, 2008, at 2:10 AM, David Jurke wrote: > > > The problem I have is with our large (expected to grow to several > > terabytes) database server. I’m told by the DBAs that the size and > > amount of activity on

Re: [Bacula-users] How to set up large database backup

2008-11-26 Thread David Ballester
2008/11/25 David Jurke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > Hiya David, > > I'm assured by our DBAs that this one-tablespace-at-a-time method works - > it's apparently what Oracle recommend, and they do restores and recovers > frequently for things like creating test databases, so it's a proven method. > It coul

Re: [Bacula-users] How to set up large database backup

2008-11-27 Thread David Ballester
2008/11/27 David Jurke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > Whoa! > > > > Okay, I need to go talk to the DBAs about this lot, lots of it is too far > on the DBA side for me to comment intelligently on it. It does sound > promising, though - if we back up daily only the current month's data (the > rest will be i

Re: [Bacula-users] How to set up large database backup

2008-11-27 Thread David Ballester
take a look at http://www.oracle.com/technology/deploy/availability/pdf/oracle-openworld-2007/S291487_1_Chien.pdf Backup and Recovery Best Practices for Very Large Databases (VLDBs) Regards D. - This SF.Net email is sponso

Re: [Bacula-users] Long-term backups - was: Hard disk as backup media

2010-03-24 Thread David Ballester
> > What is the best strategy and storage media for long-term backups, say > to 10 or 20 years (if any)? I ask because I do have an old DLT tape > drive and some tapes, unusable, because its SCSI controller is no longer > among us. It is not 10 years old and is already a problem. > > -- > Marcio Me