thanks for your remarks. I use the script on a private server dedicated as a
database and backup server with no user logins or other applications; of course
I would not use trust authentication otherwise. I just don't like passwords
stored within a file.
Regarding the su - postgres : I simply d
On 13 Feb 2006 at 18:03, Marcel Gsteiger wrote:
> Hi all
> After a few hours of troubleshooting, I finally have my PostgreSQL
> database backup running. My backup job creates separate schema/data
> backups for each database, along with a separate backup of global
> objects. This is much easier
> First, create the directory /var/lib/pgsql/data/dump and
> /var/lib/pgsql/data/dump/fifo , chown postgres:bacula, chmod 750.
> Ensure that the database user postgres running on the local
> host has "trust" access to all databases (no passwords
> needed). This script also works for backup of re