Thanks for the reply. I´m found the problem. There was a blocked query on
the database "update pool ..." due to a problem with bacula-dir. After
performing a restart on baculaa-dir the database was "locked" preventing the
bacula-dir to access the database.
By the way, I wonder if someone on the li
It just say what it is : already running
a cat of /var/run/
should normally give you the pid process. (19523)
a ps aux | grep 19523, the pid obtained would show you a bacula-dir running.
so first try to stop it kindly /etc/init.d/bacula-ctl-dir stop
if it doesn't want try a kil
My bacula-dir cannot start using the script /etc/init.d/bacula-ctl-dir, and
looking the bacula log I have this:
12-Mar 08:11 bacula-dir: ERROR TERMINATION at bsys.c:494
bacula-dir is already running. pid=19523
Check file /var/run/
I try to move the /var/run/bacula-dir.910