As you can see from the email below, we have been planning to hold a Bacula
Developer's conference the 27th and 28th of September. Despite some early
enthusiasm, there are currently not enough people signed up to hold the
However disappointing that is, I am hoping that ther
We will be holding the first Bacula Developer's conference during the last
part of September and would enjoy meeting you and having you participate in
the conference. Please see below for more information.
For those of you who are planning to give a presentation, please contact me
Hi Kern
Am Tue, 13 Jul 2010 13:56:49 +0200
schrieb Kern Sibbald :
> If so, we wondering if there is enough interest to have a Bacula
> developer's conference in Yverdon, Switzerland (about 1.5 hour by
> train from Geneva Airport) on the 27th and 28th of September. If you
> arrive on Sunday the 2
Kern Sibbald wrote:
> Hello,
Hello Kern ;-)
> If this interests you, please let me know, and if there is enough interest,
> will hold it.
I'm interested too! It just so happens that a week or so before I'll be in
Zurich, CH, so I'm thinking of making it a multi-city round-trip ;-)
Are you interested to:
- Meet the Bacula developers in person
- Learn how we maintain the source code
- Hear some presentations about Bacula from the developers
- Want to learn about and help define the Bacula roadmap.
- Want to give feedback or ideas directly to the developers.
- Learn mo