> How did you run it? If you used then console, then you will need to set the
> pool manually by using "mod" at the "OK to run?" prompt.
Thanks for your help, but I figured it out. I had to add these two lines to the
Full Backup Pool = "FullBackup"
Incremental Backup Pool = "In
> On Mon, 26 Apr 2010 13:54:07 -0400, ikkysleepy said:
> A Full Backup was run...
How did you run it? If you used then console, then you will need to set the
pool manually by using "mod" at the "OK to run?" prompt.
A Full Backup was run but it looks like Incremental Vol. was used instead of
the Full Vol.
Here is what happened:
11G 2010-04-22 21:12 FullBackup0014
56G 2010-04-24 01:31 IncBackup0013
56G 2010-04-24 02:35 IncBackup0017
56G 2010-04-24 03:39 IncBac