Prompted by Adrew, and with the help if the information provided by
Richard, I've knocked up a daily report from the DB with the addition
of two tables to translate the codes from the Job table into a more
readable format since I'm running 1.36-3.1 and it doesn't have the
Status table. I suspect 1.
I'm running 1.38.0 so I guess that it was added a newer addition.
On Wed, 2005-11-16 at 16:35 +, Will McDonald wrote:
> Ah, except I don't appear to have that table in my DB schema.
> mysql> show tables;
> +--+
> | Tables_in_bacula |
> +--+
> | BaseFile
Ah, except I don't appear to have that table in my DB schema.
mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_bacula |
| BaseFiles|
| CDImages |
| Client |
| Counters |
| File |
| FileSet |
| Filename |
| Job
Indeed it is. Cheers. :)
On 16/11/05, Richard Ryder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is this what you're looking for?
> mysql> select * from Status;
> +---+-+
> | JobStatus | JobStatusLong |
> +---+-
On 14/11/05, Andrew J. Millar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all
> I just thought I'd share this with you as you may find it useful. My
> managers wanted to receive a summary email of the previous nights
> backups which contained only basic information of the status of the
> backups, and they wa
This looks like a very useful little script. Could you send it to me as an
attachment (to avoid the line wraps in email)? I will then add it to the
examples directory. I'd recommend you add your name as the author as it is
nice to get credit for what you did, and if you want feedback,
Hi all
I just thought I'd share this with you as you may find it useful. My
managers wanted to receive a summary email of the previous nights
backups which contained only basic information of the status of the
backups, and they wanted this all in one email. As far as I can tell,
there is no way to