> On Fri, 30 Jun 2006 19:17:37 -0400, Francisco Reyes said:
> I have a pool with "Volume Retention = 6 days".
> I have some purged volumes which are in "purged" status and are older than
> 6 days, yet new volumens are getting created.
What messages are printing in the log?
It would be use
Jo Rhett writes:
> Do you have a "max volumes" statement? This is how we control it.
So if I had a max volumes that would force Bacula to use those purged
volumes? What happens if you run out of purged volumes?
> But yes, I agree that Bacula should be smarter about reusing volumes which
I have a pool with "Volume Retention = 6 days".
I have some purged volumes which are in "purged" status and are older than
6 days, yet new volumens are getting created.
476 | BaculaVolumeDaily0247 | Purged < purged
2006-05-28 18:03:4 <= Not modified since 5-28
And I have nume