se bacula;
> show tables;
> Regards
> Helmut
> vipul shukla schrieb:
> > When I try to start bacula I get the following
> output:
> >
> > Starting the Bacula Storage daemon
> > Starting the Bacula File daemon
> > Starting the Bacula
Hi all,
I am using bacula server, the problem is
From last one month backup is not happining, i
have mysql server as a database but i found that in
this database server there are not any database with
name bacula or mysql. But basic requirment is you
should have bacula and mysql server
I am system administrator and i am using bacula but
from last 1 month not any backup happening and not
even i am able to login in console program.
when i give command ./bconsole and that time my
console program get hang.
give me proper solution plese.
When I try to start bacula I get the following output:
Starting the Bacula Storage daemon
Starting the Bacula File daemon
Starting the Bacula Director daemon
21-Jun 18:20 bacula-dir: Fatal error: Version error
for database
"bacula". Wanted 8, got 0
21-Jun 18:20 bacula-dir: Fatal error: Could not
Please help me...
Problem :-
When i start bacula console program through
./bconsole then some time console program start and
some time it get hang. i am able to start some jobs
but some get hang. some time it works properly but i
requird to restart all daemons ./bacula, then it works
fine b
Hi all,
I am system administrator, i am using bacula as a
backup tool. it was working fine but from last 1 month
it has some problem.
Problem discription
1) when i give command ./bconsole then it hang and
givemessage like "Connecting to Director
regarding to this probl