Eyes are close to bleeding from all the reading, sites, etc. but still no
luck (darn close though). There are so many doc's even the main one is
really not very helpful in just getting things installed, but anyone feel
free to help someone before blindness takes over! I am close and rather
than j
Still reading (eyes not bleeding yet), but I understand not all objects need
be on the same device.
Well the issue is most servers the client has are old RH9 ones and reading
some old posts I see the end of rpm support, and I am trying to roll this
out right the first time. I have a brand new cle
t; Just my babblings, hope it helps." as those are the things that
do help, it's when you go back to edit, etc. it becomes to professional :)
On Fri, Jan 7, 2011 at 7:22 AM, Mister IT Guru wrote:
> On 07/01/2011 01:54, Rory Campbell-Lange wrote:
> > On 06/01/11,
Hey to all on the list, sorry for such a basic high level question, but due
to time issues, I am reading the docs and posting at the same time.
I have around 1T of storage compressed (numerous servers, websites,
database, etc.) and around 1 1/2T to store so I can't do a live copy of the
files nor