2012/8/7 Uwe Schuerkamp
> In a way, yes, but we're not happy with it because of the extremely
> long recycle times. Most of our backups run on the weekend, so as a
> consequence or volume for that day is rather big and I've begun moving
> large and / or long-running backups to their own pools
2012/8/5 Phil Stracchino
> On 08/05/12 05:57, d tbsky wrote:
> >First of all note that 5.2.10 is a considerably more recent version than
> >2.0.0, and does nut therefore fall under "until 2.0.0". :) This should
> >answer your question...
but I didn'
I am new to bacula and I plan to use disk file to backup. the full
backup size is about 2TB。
I saw many warnings in the document about using large disk volumes to
backup, because
" with a single Volume, is that until version 2.0.0, Bacula did not seek
within a
disk Volume, so restoring a si
I use accurate mode for incremental or differential backups. but when
incremental level upgrade to full level (like fist time backup) , will
bacula disable accurate mode automatically?
I check the backup log and find the line "accurate = yes" even when
bacula is doing full backup. shoul