Name = Inc-Pool-roach
Pool Type = Backup
Recycle = yes
AutoPrune = yes
Volume Retention = 20 days
Accept Any Volume = yes
Maximum Volume Jobs = 6
Label Format = Inc-roach-
Maximum Volumes = 5
and so on for all the other clients and pools you create.
with regar
Alan Brown wrote:
On Wed, 13 Jul 2005, Morten A. Middelthon wrote:
I'm having trouble getting bacula's automatic labelling working like I
want it to. I have created three types of pools, inc, diff and full:
Bear in mind that the maximum supported by most barcode readers is 8
riables like "Full-${Client}-" bacula does _not_ append
the volume number, like "Full-someclient-fd-0001", only
"Full-someclient-fd-". Is there perhaps a bug in the automatic labelling
support when combined with varia