Hello All
Thanks for the answers. You helped me a lot.
Márcio Bacci
Em ter, 16 de abr de 2019 às 19:33, Josip Deanovic <
djosip+n...@linuxpages.net> escreveu:
> On Tuesday 2019-04-16 14:29:32 Dimitri Maziuk via Bacula-users wrote:
> > On 4/16/19 1:22 PM, Josip Deanovic wrote:
> > > Th
I have some doubts about Bacula, however I did not find answers on the
Internet or in the books for the following doubts:
1. Is there any problem in using Bacula virtualized? (I didn't find
anything saying otherwise)
2. Is there any restriction on mounting the Bacula VM on a DRBD volume in
the hyp
Do you have any other idea ?
Best regards,
Márcio Bacci
Em qui, 11 de abr de 2019 às 12:50, Bill Arlofski
> On 4/10/19 9:08 PM, Marcio Demetrio Bacci wrote:
> >
> > part of my Job log:
> > 0-abr 17:09 bkp-dir JobId 1852: Start Backup JobId 1852,
> > J
I'm using Bacula version 9.4.2 on Debian 9.8. This server is a virtual
machine on KVM hypervisor.
My Bacula Server was worked properly until yesterday, but now it has
problems of locking of jobs, as the follow:
Running Jobs:
Console connected at 10-abr-19 17:09
Console connected at 10-abr-1
> There is a huge time lapse between backup scheduled time and actual start
> time. Probably it was waiting different priority jobs execution or limited
> by any Bacula object Maximum Concurrent jobs.
> Regards,
> Heitor
> Sent from TypeApp &l
Boa tarde pessoal
Recentemente percebi que o Bacula está demorando muito para concluir um job
de 200 GB, o que não é normal, principalmente porque só faço o backup em
disco (LUN iSCSI apresentada ao servidor Bacula com conexões de 10Gbps).
O Servidor Bacula é virtual.
Seguem as informações do ba
Bom dia a todos
Meu servidor PostgreSql do Bacula não inicia por falta de espaço em disco
na partição do sistema.
Esse servidor é físico é dedicado apenas ao bacula, com uma partição de 80
GB para o Sistema e um storage de 4.4 TB mapeado para o backup.
Com o comando df -h vejo que a partição do
Thank you Bill!
My problem is solved
2015-07-08 16:43 GMT-03:00 Bill Arlofski :
> On 07/08/2015 06:24 AM, Marcio Demetrio Bacci wrote:
> > I have a problem with Bacula. The backup bigger than originals files.
> >
> > My folder /opt/zimbra has 7 GB, a
I have a problem with Bacula. The backup bigger than originals files.
My folder /opt/zimbra has 7 GB, and my backup has 28GB.
Below is my Fileset:
FileSet {
Name = fileset-Zimbra
Include {
Options {
signature = MD5
File = /op