Hello fellow bacula users,

I ran on a small issue today, using a Verify Job for the first time.
I backed up 6000+ files, around 55 Gb (a Windows whole drive). Then I  
changed the letter of the drive, and restored all the files on a new  
partition under the original letter. Restore went okay, except for a  
minor a file number discrepancy (mark * "trap" ?).
I need to wipe the original partition, and I don't remember if the  
restore job does a SHA1 check after restore against the Catalog, so I  
wanted to do one by myself before erasing the original data.
Strangely enough running a Verify Job shows SHA1 differences for  
around 50 files :-(
The oddity is that when I check-summed an original big zip file  
against the restored one with the file checksum utility from  
Microsoft, I found the very same SHA1 sig for both files. Note that  
this one is far from being equal to either one Bacula reports for this  
zip file... Some very small text files containing SHA1/MD5 cheksums  
where reported incorrect too, whereas they are indeed identical.
Setup :
- server is Ubuntu 8.04.3 LTS backup, with 3.0.3 installed from  
sources, virtualized in ESXi 3.5 (yes, I ran btape tests for several  
hours, ran fine albeit slower than drive official speed)
- client is Windows 2003 Server 32bit, with 3.0.3a installed from the  
sourceforge binary
- device is DLT-7000 with hardware compression turned off.

Fileset used to backup :
FileSet {
   Name = "Donnees serveur"
   Include {
     Options {
       Signature = SHA1
       Compression = GZIP6
     File = "E:/"

The one used for the Verify Job (w/ Type = Disk to Catalog) just adds  
"Verify = pinsug1" in the options under Compression.

Any idea why Bacula thinks it's wrong whereas it's not ?

Thanks for your help,

Guillaume Laurès
Laurès Conseil - Ingénieur Systèmes freelance
41140 Noyers-sur-Cher
Mobile : 06 81 85 68 73
Tél./Fax : 02 54 71 39 97

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