
i want to know if anyone has experience with database encoding at Bacula 
Its a lenny-backport package.
system configuration:
os: debian lenny
bacula: 3.0.2-3 lenny-backport
database: PostgreSQL 8.3
My question in detail.
The database bacula on my postgreSQL-server has encoding level UTF-8.
Bacula in this version requires SQL_ACSII.
Is there any chance to say bacula it should use UTF-8 instead of SQL_ASCII?
It is no option to change encoding of database to SQL_ASCII for us, we 
still want to
use UTF-8. Maybe there exists any configuration file i've not found yet 
or any other
surrounding to solve this problem?

Many thanks and kind regards!

Beste Grüße

Gordon Neumann

Helmholtzstr. 2-9, Gebäude M
10587 Berlin   

Tel:    +49 (0) 30 / 39 80 68 30
Fax:    +49 (0) 30 / 39 80 68 39
e-mail: gneum...@sourcepark.de
www:    www.sourcepark.de
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Berlin / Amtsgericht Charlottenburg
HRB 80254
Geschäftsführung: Matthias Barmeier, Harald Dürr 
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