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Tárgy: Re: [Bacula-users] GUI interface
Feladó: Deim Ágoston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Dátum: Szo, Szeptember 30, 2006 5:13 pm
Címzett: "Kern Sibbald" &
RunClientBeforeJob is your friend if you backup remote machines.
> RunBeforeJob is what I need
> Sorry...i'm new to bacula, and the manual is a tome :)
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Kern Sibbald wrote:
So, I would like to request a command available in the console to skip
errors and continoue the restore process. Second, I would be very happy if
there would be a parity option in the Options section when I create a
FileSet. I know that parity bits grow the volumes but I thin
Hi Kern,
last week we had a displeasing exprience. When we restored a directory
tree from the console we got the following error message:
Error: block.c:304 Volume data error at 0:2482648813! Block checksum mismatch
in block 970: calc=fbd73d8f blk=8425024b
So, it means that a block in one of
>> Skimming over sys/acl.h on
>> Solaris 2.9 it seems this is quite a different API.
> Yes, so are some of the others ...
>> I'm forced to use ACLs soon, and need a way to back them up. So I
>> would try to patch in support for Solaris ACLs if it's needed.
> To the best of my knowledge with th
Maurizio Santini wrote:
Hi all,
I trying to exclude a directory from the backup but I cannot because of
the accent on ó. How could I achieve that?
try to use these in FileSet:
options {
Wild = "C:/Documents and Settings/mperez/Configuraci*/Archivos"
Exclude = yes
>> can I use Bacula to backup a Windows XP Pro client and then make a bare
>> metall
>> recovery?
> There is indeed a bare-metal recovery process for Windows XP. It
> requires the use of a third-party XP bootable rescue CD; I don't offhand
> remember its name, but other listers can point you at it