has someone a proven verify file set for linux hosts? I'm a newbe and
put ever to much or to less into the set...
what is your best way for it?
PS: sorry for my english
Come build with us! The Black
Martin Simmons schrieb:
> It fails because you have two different job names for InitCatalog and Catalog.
> The Verify Job option isn't used for Catalog verifies.
> You need to run the Catalog verify using the same job as the InitCatalog but
> with the Level=Catalog option to the run command.
Oliv Mo schrieb:
> Hi,
> Could you please complete your post by sharing the jobdefs these job
> reffer to ? Have you check if the file to verify exist in the directory
> "/etc/exports" with appropriate rights ?
> Cheers,
JobDefs {
Name = "DefaultInitCatalog"
Type = Ve
Christoph Kaminski schrieb:
no one a hint for me?
have started the InitCatalog Job as first, then the Verify Job but I get
ever these errors :/
> Hi all!
> Im new on the list. I have a problem with verify jobs:
> lilith-fd JobId 95: Could not stat /etc/expor
Olaf Zevenboom schrieb:
> Christoph,
> Please reread your post: the problem is reported:
> You have to run an initCatalog verify first. Check the manual for details.
> Regards
> Olaf
as you see in the log, I have started an InitCatalogbefor Verify...
Hi all!
Im new on the list. I have a problem with verify jobs:
lilith-fd JobId 95: Could not stat /etc/exports: ERR=No such file
or directory
07-Jul 09:39 lilith-dir JobId 95: Bacula lilith-dir 2.4.4 (28Dec08):
07-Jul-2009 09:39:12
Build: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu debian lenn