? Wonder whether anyone has done this in the past.
Athanasios Douitsis,
National Technical University of Athens NOC
e: aduit...@noc.ntua.gr | t: +30-210-772-2409
Simplify data backup and recovery for your
ced similar problems
would of course be most welcome.
Best Regards to all,
Athanasios Douitsis,
National Technical University of Athens NOC
e: aduit...@noc.ntua.gr | t: +30-210-772-2409
Achieve unprecedented app performanc
On Wed, Jun 02, 2010 at 11:29:44AM -0400, Bob Hetzel wrote:
> What CPU's do you have in your 2950? I'm backing up to two LTO-2 in my
> PowerEdge 2900 server (dual Xeon 5160 CPU's) and it seems to be pretty
> maxed out with two tape drives. On my R710 I only get 70MB/sec despool
> rates to LTO
y. I totaly agree with your suggestion, from
this point onwards it seems to be a case of finding a spooling setup
with enough I/O oomph.
One question however, in your setup you have limited your concurrent
jobs to 3 as in 3 jobs overall or as in 3 jobs per drive (9 overall)?
Best Regards,
understand that
under like 40Mbytes/sec the drive constantly starts and stops, a
process which is detrimental to its expected lifetime (and the tape's
as well).
Best Regards,
Athanasios Douitsis,
National Technical University of Athen