The way I have it set up is
storage=“sd backup storage” defined in the backup jobs, undefined in the backup
pools (job overrides)
storage=“sd copy/migrate storage” undefined in the copy/migrate jobs, defined
in the copy/migrate pools (pool overrides always)
> On 9 Aug 2024, at
On 8/9/24 4:51 AM, Chris Wilkinson wrote:
>> Just an aside - I realised whilst editing the jobs that the storage=“sd used for
backup jobs" should be specified in the Job
resource, it’s not necessary (or desirable) to specify the storage in the Pool
as well since the job overrides the pool.
The problem is resolved now I think. I reinstalled Postgres, db, tables etc.
and the result was no better. I then stood up a new SD/NAS and adjusted the
jobs to backup to this. The result is backups @~30MB/s, where it was
previously. There is something gone wrong with the prior NAS that