Yes, as Alan said, the driver is st.
It would be useful to try the mt eod test again, but follow it by:
mt -f /dev/nst0 status
to see what "File number" it reports. This is very similar to what Bacula is
doing just before the error.
Also, it would be useful to see the output from:
mt -f /dev/
Am 23.02.2021 um 15:11 schrieb Christian Lehmann:
> I have a problem with a single LTO-5 Tape drive (Tandberg LTO-5 HH).
> I do backups spanning multiple Tapes, changing them manually.
> So I configured the storage daemon that it is automatically pushing out
> the tape as soon as it is full.
On 26/02/2021 13:47, Martin Simmons wrote:
> If you do:
> lsscsi -d
> then it will print the major:minor device numbers after /dev/st0.
> Then:
> ls -l /sys/dev/*/${major}:${minor}/device/driver/
> might show the name of the driver (module).
It's simpler than that: showing /dev/st* or ns
On 25/02/2021 16:15, Heitor Faria wrote:
> Hello Christian,
Spool Directory = /srv/ag_dudziak/bacula-spool/LTO-5-1M
Maximum Block Size = 128K
Where is the "control device" parameter?
Here's what an equivalent entry on my system
Device {
### library physical position -1,1
### This
On 25/02/2021 16:01, Christian Lehmann wrote:
> Hi Alan,
> not sure how to answer your question as I do not understand it *sorry*
> How can I find out?
lsmod | grep st
lsmod | grep lin
These are kernel modules and they will not coexist in the same machine,
you need to use one or the other
Hi Martin,
just proceeded as proposed:
srv-fs-de1:~# lsscsi -d
[0:2:0:0]diskLSI MR9280-16i4e 2.13 /dev/sda [8:0]
[0:2:1:0]diskLSI MR9280-16i4e 2.13 /dev/sdb [8:16]
[1:0:0:0]diskATA Samsung SSD 850 2B6Q /dev/sdc [8:32]
If you do:
lsscsi -d
then it will print the major:minor device numbers after /dev/st0.
ls -l /sys/dev/*/${major}:${minor}/device/driver/
might show the name of the driver (module).
> On Thu, 25 Feb 2021 16:59:29 +0100 (CET), Christian Lehmann said:
> Hi Martin,
> th
Hello Users,
Does anyone use Bacula to perform Unisys DMSII Database
( backups?
Do you know if it is possible to build the Bacula client to the OS 2200 system?
MSc Heitor Faria
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