To be able to help you, we need to see the bacula-dir.conf (and bacula-fd.conf
to be sure).
Did you name the client the same everywhere? There might be a typo or you
accidently changed the name a bit somewhere.
Am 4. April 2017 21:52:23 MESZ schrieb parthi :
>When i try to run sudo bac
When i try to run sudo bacula-dir -tc /etc/bacula/bacula-dir.conf i receive
the error
Config error: Could not find config Resource backupclient-fd referenced on
line 53 : Client = backupclient-fd
: line 53, col 26 of file /etc/bacula/bacula-dir.conf
Client = backupclient-fd
My s
Well, I am out of ideas.
Yes, Bacula has a bugs database, and you can report it, but at this
point it appears unlikely that it is a bug otherwise someone else would
have the same problem. I will need to have a way to reproduce the
problem. You can try turning on level 200 debug in the
Hi, thanks for your reply.
Ad 1: they are the same, specifically 7.4.3+dfsg-1+sid1~bpo8+1 from
jessie-backports (I just verified it). For this test, even the FDs were
this version.
Ad 2: I worked with clean catalog:
- stop director and storages
- psql: drop database bacula
- psql: create datab