> Hello Joseph
> I've made a test and worked fine for me.
I just went to generate fresh output and noticed it was an issue with sqlcmd.exe
not exiting non-zero as I thought, it was mistake.
Sorry guys,
Hello Joseph
I've made a test and worked fine for me.
A simple powershell file:
$Date = Get-Date
$JobName = $args[0]
Out-File -filepath $OutputFile -inputobject "$Date - $J
the volumes are marked in state used just ends each backup that will I need to
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Post the error log file.
Em 23/07/2016 9:58 PM, "Joseph L. Casale"
> I have a runbefore set to fail the job on error yet the binary which is
> executed exits with a
> return code of 1 and the job continues.
> Known issue?
> Thanks,
> jlc
> --