The default is:
console = all, !skipped, !saved
so if you do not want the console messages to be stored in the
catalog, you must add !catalog e.g.
console = all, !skipped, !saved, !catalog
The catalog
Looks like I have about 4TB of local SAS drives to play with on my Dell 720.
I was thinking of bumping up Maximum Spool Size x10 = 240GB
And x10 the Maximum Job Spool Size to 80G.
Based on this, it seems logical that Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 3 (not 21 as in
current config).
Q: Does this sound r
Hi Luc,
If you don't want the messages to show up in the console at all, why not
disable them at source rather than strip them out retrospectively?
Messages {
console = !all
(which might be the default since I have "console = all, !skipped, !saved" in
my config file, I can't see from a qui
Answering myself: I put this in a script in my home directory as a temporary
It may still take some time, but I suppose far less than letting it all be
echo messages | bconsole > /dev/null
From: Luc Van der Veken [mailto:luc...@wimionline.com]
Sent: 28 A
Is there a way to clear the buffer containing the console messages waiting to
be displayed in bconsole?
Or to purge anything older than, say, a day?
I already get all messages via e-mail, nicely collected in one mail per job.
Also, I use Webacula for the daily stuff like checking job results, so