Erich> I'm looking for a little advice on a setup I have here. I have
Erich> 300TB of non-changing data that I need to archive. I have a
Erich> Dell ML6000 tape library that holds like 41 LTO-5 tapes
Erich> (connected to a CentOS 6 Server), and I have a pile of hundreds
Erich> of tapes to do thi
Em 22/05/2012 às 15:17 horas, "John Drescher" escreveu:> Will Bacula 7.0 have the Alpha Plugin, whitch does differential/incremental
> block level backup?
bacula 7.0? Did I miss a notice or something or is that the new
enterprise version?
Btw... The name of plugin is "delta", not "alpha"
"alldrives" not "alldrivers".
On 23 May 2012 10:02, Geert Stappers wrote:
> Op 20120523 om 08:33 schreef Simone Caronni:
>> Hello,
>> what happened to the "alldrives" plugin that was in the previous manual?
Op 20120523 om 08:33 schreef Simone Caronni:
> Hello,
> what happened to the "alldrives" plugin that was in the previous manual?
subject line now