[Ayatana] Overlay-scrolbar in Dash

2011-10-01 Thread Pierre-Olivier Megret
Hello Everybody It's my first post here. So i hope you will excuse my english. unfortunately , I'm french indeed ;-) . I'm used to read yopu but not to write here. I'm using Ubuntu since Hardy and I've 11.10 on my two Computers since Alpha1. Does everyone know why dash doesn't use Overlay

Re: [Ayatana] Overlay-scrolbar in Dash

2011-10-01 Thread pierre-olivier megret
The dash uses a different widget toolkit to most applications, as such, the scrollbars need to be implemented in that toolkit as well to be usable. That's just a matter of development manpower/time. Ok , thanks So, Is it planned for 12.04 ?