Re: [Ayatana] [ayatana]new member and new submision

2009-05-23 Thread David Siegel
Daniel, I really like your use case of providing great feedback about newly installed applications via notify-osd. Anthony, I do not understand your suggestion about integration with GNOME Do. If I understand Daniel's suggestion, it's an addition to the application installation workflow rather tha

Re: [Ayatana] "Power information" notifications

2009-06-03 Thread David Siegel
Mark Shuttleworth wrote: I don't think we want the user to be able to choose. Every choice is a bug waiting to happen, and a 1,000 confused users. We should hammer at this to get it perfect, and ship it. Could you re-orient the batteries to be vertical? That would make it easier to view.

Re: [Ayatana] "Power information" notifications

2009-06-03 Thread David Siegel
Mark Shuttleworth wrote: David Siegel wrote: 1. Confirmation that the AC adapter was plugged in and the computer is now charging (some laptops have finicky plugs). The charging emblem on the icon should show that, as should the title "*AC power*". 2. (Maybe) how much time remains

Re: [Ayatana] "Power information" notifications

2009-06-03 Thread David Siegel
Steve Dodier wrote: I meant the battery icon with an AC adaptator in the bottom right corner, actually. What do you mean by zigzag ? By zigzag, I think Mark means a little energy/bolt emblem overlaying the battery icon. The zigzag/bolt appears if and only if the battery is charging. David

Re: [Ayatana] "Power information" notifications

2009-06-04 Thread David Siegel
Steve, please use a bzr branch on launchpad instead of sending tarball iterations to the list. David Steve Dodier wrote: Hello, I tweaked the icons a little with the help of macvr. Attached the new (and, I hope, final) icons. -

Re: [Ayatana] notify-osd + fullscreen + multiple monitors

2009-06-04 Thread David Siegel
Aurélien Gâteau wrote: Hi list, I am working on bug 372789 "NotifyOSD notifications shouldn't appear when using fullscreen applications". I created a patch which detects fullscreen windows and disables notifications in this case, but it does not take the m

Re: [Ayatana] notify-osd + fullscreen + multiple monitors

2009-06-04 Thread David Siegel
Vadim Peretokin wrote: Any application can be made fullscreen via the "Toggle fullscreen mode" in Gnome. I'm guessing you'd like a list of the practical ones. Good guess. David PS: Can I fullscreen Nautilus? ___ Mailing list:

Re: [Ayatana] Things I have noticed

2009-06-04 Thread David Siegel
Brian Curtis wrote: On Thu, Jun 4, 2009 at 12:41 PM, mac_v wrote: Mark +1 , hate to click the x to dismiss! but there needs to be a way to dismiss the notify-osd , in case the bubbles are a disturbance to workflow. What about just clicking the bubble? Or is this too close to a "cli

Re: [Ayatana] notify-osd + fullscreen + multiple monitors

2009-06-04 Thread David Siegel
Aurélien Gâteau wrote: Hi list, I am working on bug 372789 "NotifyOSD notifications shouldn't appear when using fullscreen applications". I created a patch which detects fullscreen windows and disables notifications in this case, but it does not take the m

Re: [Ayatana] Things I have noticed

2009-06-04 Thread David Siegel
mac_v wrote: Jacob Peddicord wrote: Wouldn't the proper way to remedy this would be to close communication applications during a presentation? I won't disagree that disabling notifications for a time would be useful, but if you don't want Pidgin triggering notifications for a presentation, the

Re: [Ayatana] notify-osd shows as one of Ubuntu's "papercuts"

2009-06-11 Thread David Siegel
es can display about three words before line wrapping occurs. Making these bubbles slightly wider will decrease strain on your eyes when reading them, and will allow you to read short messages more quickly. I believe David Siegel is a member of this team, correct? David, doe

Re: [Ayatana] notify-osd shows as one of Ubuntu's "papercuts"

2009-06-11 Thread David Siegel
to me as if the bug were fixed. Sorry for any confusion if it is still a papercut. -Anthony On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 8:06 AM, David Siegel>> wrote: ajmctaggart wrote: I think this has been solved...

Re: [Ayatana] Updates on Login (was: Re: [Fwd: Update manager])

2009-06-16 Thread David Siegel
gh my notebook the other day. It would be really great if when update-manager presented itself, some bugs (ones that you reported/subscribed to on LP) had a nice messsage that made you really excited to update because your bug was fixed! Make updates fun! David Siegel also had a really great i

Re: [Ayatana] Updates on Login

2009-06-17 Thread David Siegel
I think it would be interesting if the user must wait at GDM for updates to finish (assuming they were downloaded previously), and is only allowed to log in when updates have finished. This process only takes a minute or two, and the user can choose to not initiate the updates or cancel them an

Re: [Ayatana] Updates on Login (was: Re: [Fwd: Update manager])

2009-06-17 Thread David Siegel
tacone wrote: We should definitely consider as many update scenarios as possible in order to find the one that users will prefer. We are very quick to start implementing updates and shut down without considering something radically different because many of us have experiences updates at shutdown

Re: [Ayatana] Updates on Login

2009-06-17 Thread David Siegel
Paulo J. S. Silva wrote: 2009/6/17 David Siegel <>> I think it would be interesting if the user must wait at GDM for updates to finish (assuming they were downloaded previously), and is only allowed to log in when updates have finished. Thi

Re: [Ayatana] Updates on Login

2009-06-17 Thread David Siegel
Vadim Peretokin wrote: I'll second this. In my use-case, my mother /really/ hates doing updates (only does them after a while, and hates the orange icon - I suppose that'll improve with an upgrade to jaunty). Forcing her to wait for updates after she turns on the computer for something would r

Re: [Ayatana] Updates on Login (was: Re: [Fwd: Update manager])

2009-06-17 Thread David Siegel
My roll on the Canonical Design and User Experience team is to make Ubuntu the most enjoyable to use operating system in the world, so I hope you can forgive me for making "[it offers a] more pleasant experience" the main thrust of my argument. I am not decidedly in favor of updates at GDM ove

Re: [Ayatana] Updates on Login (was: Re: [Fwd: Update manager])

2009-06-17 Thread David Siegel
My role! :) David David Siegel wrote: My roll on the Canonical Design and User Experience team is to make Ubuntu the most enjoyable to use operating system in the world, so I hope you can forgive me for making "[it offers a] more pleasant experience" the main thrust of my argume

Re: [Ayatana] Updates on Login (was: Re: [Fwd: Update manager])

2009-06-17 Thread David Siegel
I think this is the ideal, but every time I start to bring up implicit updates, I get smacked :) David Wouter Stomp wrote: On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 8:38 PM, David Siegel wrote: Most of us would be perfectly comfortable initiating an update on shutdown, and walking away from our machine, but

Re: [Ayatana] New discussion suggested: Features needed, but absent in Ubuntu

2009-06-19 Thread David Siegel
Here are many bugs that have been marked invalid in hundredpapercuts just in the last week:

[Ayatana] One Hundred Paper Cuts -- the first ten (as sent to ubuntu-devel)

2009-06-19 Thread David Siegel
We've identified the first ten of one hundred paper cuts* that we plan to fix for Karmic: The goal is to have all ten fixed by next Friday, at which point we will announce 10% progress on the

Re: [Ayatana] One Hundred Paper Cuts -- the first ten (as sent to ubuntu-devel)

2009-06-19 Thread David Siegel
I've created a project milestone with a more stable set of ten paper cuts to fix by next Friday: David David Siegel wrote: We've identified the first ten of one hundred paper cuts* that we plan to fix for Karmi

Re: [Ayatana] Idea: for Ayatana to have oversight of highly visible projects.

2009-06-22 Thread David Siegel
There are many different projects that Ayatana members can help drive, but I will just mention one quickly before heading to bed. hundredpapercuts could really use some "oversight" from Ayatana members. Here are one hundred usability bugs we've planned to get fixed for Karmic: https://edge.lau

[Ayatana] (A tentative list of) One Hundred Paper Cuts

2009-06-23 Thread David Siegel
Here is a tentative list of 100 paper cuts for Karmic, divided into 10 weekly milestones of 10 paper cuts each (some milestones contain an additional Kubuntu paper cut): Many of these paper cuts call for trivial patches, requiring little d

Re: [Ayatana] Updates on Login

2009-07-06 Thread David Siegel
Mark Shuttleworth wrote: Alex Launi wrote: On Sat, Jul 4, 2009 at 4:03 AM, Mark Shuttleworth > wrote: Updates-on-login are interesting, but I think fatally flawed because of the common requirement to reboot after updates. This is actually the case where updat

[Ayatana] One Hundred Paper Cuts Round 2 Progress Report

2009-07-13 Thread David Siegel
(From With many developers attending Gran Canaria Desktop Summit last week, the second milestone in the One Hundred Paper Cuts project

[Ayatana] One Hundred Paper Cuts Round 3

2009-07-14 Thread David Siegel
We have ten new paper cuts to heal for Saturday! How you can help: * Write patches. * Read bug history to understand the bug, ask around (try #ubuntu-desktop, #ayatana) to find a developer to mentor you while you write a pat

Re: [Ayatana] [Bug 410220] Re: Indicator applet Always shows icon

2009-08-25 Thread David Siegel
On Aug 25, 2009, at 8:44AM , Ted Gould wrote: On Tue, 2009-08-25 at 11:15 +0100, Mark Shuttleworth wrote: There is no need for a Preferences for the Messaging Menu, and this use case does not justify the creation of one. We have specified a preference dialog for the messaging menu. The reas

Re: [Ayatana] [Bug 410220] Re: Indicator applet Always shows icon

2009-08-25 Thread David Siegel
On Aug 25, 2009, at 8:44AM , Ted Gould wrote: On Tue, 2009-08-25 at 11:15 +0100, Mark Shuttleworth wrote: There is no need for a Preferences for the Messaging Menu, and this use case does not justify the creation of one. We have specified a preference dialog for the messaging menu. The reas

Re: [Ayatana] [Bug 410220] Re: Indicator applet Always shows icon

2009-08-25 Thread David Siegel
On Aug 25, 2009, at 9:14AM , Rick Spencer wrote: On Tue, 2009-08-25 at 09:06 -0500, David Siegel wrote: For a concrete example, consider Evolution. To remove the Evolution launcher from the messaging menu, you'd have to launch Evolution and set up your email account before you can a

Re: [Ayatana] [Bug 410220] Re: Indicator applet Always shows icon

2009-08-25 Thread David Siegel
On Aug 25, 2009, at 9:29AM , Rick Spencer wrote: On Tue, 2009-08-25 at 09:20 -0500, David Siegel wrote: On Aug 25, 2009, at 9:14AM , Rick Spencer wrote: On Tue, 2009-08-25 at 09:06 -0500, David Siegel wrote: For a concrete example, consider Evolution. To remove the Evolution launcher

Re: [Ayatana] Ubuntu User Experience Guidelines

2009-09-28 Thread David Siegel
Allan, I think you're on to something really great here, and I would like to work on it with you. Just a few quick thoughts for now: Building upon Tango and the GNOME HIG as a foundation, though, looks like an easy way to start but doesn't strike me as the best way. While I really admire th

Re: [Ayatana] why doesn't indicator-applet-session's status menu show icons?

2010-01-12 Thread David Siegel
On Mon, 2009-12-21 at 15:39 +0530, mac_v wrote: > On Mon, 2009-12-21 at 04:18 +0100, Jan Claeys wrote: > > Currently the indicator-applet-session's status menu (where you set > > availability status) doesn't show icons. This makes it really difficult > > to understand what the status icons shown i

[Ayatana] Hiding shortcut keys in menus

2010-01-12 Thread David Siegel
Drawing upon the discussion surrounding the bug "Underline under accelerator characters in buttons and menu bar should only show when Alt is pressed"*, Rich Jones suggested curbing the display of all keyboard shortcuts in menus. At first, I thought this was a ludicrous suggestion, but then I took a

Re: [Ayatana] Hiding shortcut keys in menus

2010-01-12 Thread David Siegel
On Tue, 2010-01-12 at 15:37 -0500, Barry Warsaw wrote: > On Jan 12, 2010, at 01:53 PM, David Siegel wrote: > > >Drawing upon the discussion surrounding the bug "Underline under > >accelerator characters in buttons and menu bar should only show when Alt > >is pr

Re: [Ayatana] Sketching and Prototyping with a Firefox Addon

2010-01-15 Thread David Siegel
I've tried Pencil and had very little luck. While it's not open source, I recommend Balsamiq Mockups (an AIR app). We should build a native, free clone of it :) David On Fri, 2010-01-15 at 10:11 +0800, Allan Caeg wrote: > Hello All, > > I just discovered the Pencil project

Re: [Ayatana] Fwd: Proposal of new UI element for windows in Ubuntu: Esfera

2010-03-26 Thread David Siegel
Hi folks > > Got this interesting proposal from Pablo, and thought it should be sent to > the list rather than handled in private correspondence. It reminds me of > something David Siegel was sketching out, also inspired by the challenge of > "how we can make the most of the new

Re: [Ayatana] Fwd: Proposal of new UI element for windows in Ubuntu: Esfera

2010-03-26 Thread David Siegel
a lot of people haven't read the manual, though. Perhaps, > there has to be instructions like a fresh iPhones "hold an icon to drag it > or remove the application" thing > > Allan > > > On Friday, 26 March, 2010 05:46 PM, David Siegel wrote: > > Pablo, awes

Re: [Ayatana] Fwd: Proposal of new UI element for windows in Ubuntu: Esfera

2010-03-26 Thread David Siegel
"Holistic" is a good word -- we should definitely have a broader discussion about user's window management needs and the UI that would address those needs, driven by use cases (e.g. "User wants a spreadsheet, a calculator, and a web page all on the screen at once" or "User wants two File Manager wi

Re: [Ayatana] [Concept suggestion] About the new possibilities for the top right window buttons on the new Ubuntu visual

2010-04-01 Thread David Siegel
Interesting ideas. Something similar I've seen is in Mac OS X where document-based application windows have little icon in the window titlebar that represents the underlying file. You can drag this icon and drop it on an application icon in the Dock to open that file in another application, for exa

Re: [Ayatana] MeMenu status message

2010-04-19 Thread David Siegel
I think you're on to something... It would be very interesting to combine custom status with standard status options (e.g. Available, Away) in a control that acts a bit more intelligently. It might do the following: * Appear as a text field, showing your most recent status + status icon. * Wh

Re: [Ayatana] MeMenu status message

2010-04-19 Thread David Siegel
Yes, something like that with some nice animations. ___ Mailing list: Post to : Unsubscribe : More help :

Re: [Ayatana] Making workspaces great (branched from "Farewell to the notification area")

2010-04-22 Thread David Siegel
On Thu, Apr 22, 2010 at 9:27 AM, Conscious User wrote: > >> It's a good point. The workspaces experience has languished, and I'd >> like for us to climb in and improve it substantially. At the moment, we >> do a half-hearted job - we ship what's there but as you say, only >> configure two workspac

Re: [Ayatana] Making workspaces great (branched from "Farewell to the notification area")

2010-04-23 Thread David Siegel
Guys, this is an excellent discussion. Will someone please volunteer to organize some of what's been said on a wiki page, or Google Doc/Wave, or something? Otherwise these ideas will likely never escape this thread. David On Fri, Apr 23, 2010 at 6:41 AM, Robin Anderson wrote: > Here's an idea fo

Re: [Ayatana] Integrating Application Search & Install

2010-04-26 Thread David Siegel
Have you tried GNOME Do? ;) But seriously, FAYT ("Find as you type") is a simple and powerful user interface idea that we've been slow to adopt, and I would love to explore these ideas further and find ways to improve Ubuntu with find-as-you-type features. Frederik, I don't see Application Search

Re: [Ayatana] Integrating Application Search & Install

2010-04-26 Thread David Siegel
Keep it simple, focused, elegant. This should feel light, incisive, precise, fast. Search is really powerful, and your data set--installed applications--is small. Adding category filters belies the search experience. Frederik, try listing a small set of use cases describing exactly what you're pr

Re: [Ayatana] Integrating Application Search & Install

2010-04-26 Thread David Siegel
Frederik, can you please clean it up a bit? Use correct spelling, grammar, concise sentences, and normal human names ;) I would expect that any user implicated by a use case could also read and understand its specification. You may also find this Google Docs template helpful for structuring your u

Re: [Ayatana] Integrating Application Search & Install

2010-04-26 Thread David Siegel
Seif, that's off-topic. These threads are easy enough to derail! David On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 5:50 PM, Seif Lotfy wrote: > What do you think of > It has been something I have been working on and that also supports live > searching :) > > On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 6:43 PM,

Re: [Ayatana] Farewell to the notification area

2010-04-26 Thread David Siegel
What does this have to do with the notification area changes? Please continue this conversation elsewhere if you must. Let's all do our part to keep Ayatana discussions on track. David ___ Mailing list: Post to : ayata

Re: [Ayatana] Unexpected close functionality

2010-04-27 Thread David Siegel
I witnessed this bug biting users many times over the 11 hours of user testing we conducted over the past couple weeks. User opens Rhythmbox... and it appears as if nothing has happened. Empathy sometimes has the same problem. Both of these issues have been reported as paper cuts for a while, but t

Re: [Ayatana] Unexpected close functionality

2010-04-27 Thread David Siegel
open but hiding it away, then what should >>         the new >>         user expect to minimise into the notification area? >> >>         On the opening rhythmbox and empathy I think the window should >>         be opened >>         always and never open hidden aw

Re: [Ayatana] Unexpected close functionality

2010-04-27 Thread David Siegel
, then all the yelling in the world won't phase you! :) David On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 1:10 PM, Jonathan Matthew wrote: > On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 9:17 PM, David Siegel > wrote: >> I witnessed this bug biting users many times over the 11 hours of user >> testing we conducted ove

Re: [Ayatana] Export/Import idea for Windicators

2010-05-17 Thread David Siegel
ust part of the File >> menu. So leave it there. > > To be precise, Send-to, as David Siegel would probably say, please be > unforgiving if am i completely wrong David?! ;) > We mentioned open-with in connection with GNOME Do (ingenious) and FAYT > already... > > I'd l

Re: [Ayatana] Windicators

2010-05-17 Thread David Siegel
On Sun, May 16, 2010 at 1:31 PM, Mark Shuttleworth wrote: > On 16/05/10 08:17, Akshat Jain wrote: > > On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 1:02 AM, Mark Shuttleworth  wrote: >> >> On 09/05/10 07:45, akshat jain wrote: >> > But what will happen to Windicators when I minimize windows >> >> You minimise them too.

Re: [Ayatana] Instant-messaging as an indicator menu

2010-05-17 Thread David Siegel
Nice mockup, Frederik -- keep playing with the idea, I think you could be on to something. David On Sun, May 16, 2010 at 4:02 AM, Frederik Nnaji wrote: > On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 23:43, Tyler Brainerd > wrote: >> >> I agree. Both gwibber and evolution suck hard, and the basic integration >> is s

Re: [Ayatana] "Intuitive"

2010-05-17 Thread David Siegel
It's very nice to see some discussion about the way we discuss user experience! It's the kind of reflection we sorely need if we want the Ayatana list to become more effective. Thorsten, can you recommend any literature on this topic? Would you be interested in co-authoring a document that would h

Re: [Ayatana] No "application bucket" needed

2010-05-17 Thread David Siegel
If you are designing an interface, and suddenly you believe you need to add a "bucket", this is a good sign that your initial design failed somewhere. I would encourage you to "shelve the bucket" and revisit your earlier assumptions. Shake things up a bit and ask yourself "what could I do differe

Re: [Ayatana] No "application bucket" needed

2010-05-17 Thread David Siegel
indows shouldn't appear when alt-tabbing. Do you use minimized windows? Why or why not? How do you use them? David On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 11:18 AM, Luke Benstead wrote: > On 17 May 2010 10:52, David Siegel wrote: >> >> >> If you are designing an interface, and sudde

Re: [Ayatana] No "application bucket" needed

2010-05-17 Thread David Siegel
the Close button is clicked, this just means that Close has become another Minimize button, and the tray has become another window list. Ugly! David On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 11:34 AM, David Siegel wrote: > We have a great metaphor that's familiar to users and already > implemented: min

Re: [Ayatana] No "application bucket" needed

2010-05-17 Thread David Siegel
Also, window positions in the window list are apparently arbitrary and therefore undependable. Luke, thank you for the excellent description of your use case. David On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 11:55 AM, Luke Benstead wrote: > On 17 May 2010 11:40, David Siegel wrote: >> More specific

Re: [Ayatana] No "application bucket" needed

2010-05-17 Thread David Siegel
and indicators, and unify window minimization as exactly the thing that happens when you click the minimize button on a window. David On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 12:05 PM, Luke Benstead wrote: > On 17 May 2010 11:58, Mark Shuttleworth wrote: >> On 17/05/10 11:40, David Siegel wrote: >>

Re: [Ayatana] No "application bucket" needed

2010-05-17 Thread David Siegel
Fair enough. Alt-tab could still show minimized windows and preserve MRU ordering, but maybe do so in a way that naturally de-emphasizes minimized windows so they're easier to ignore? David On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 12:32 PM, Mark Shuttleworth wrote: > On 17/05/10 12:16, David Sieg

Re: [Ayatana] Menu complication

2010-05-17 Thread David Siegel
GNOME is currently putting new effort into getting Control Center into shape, as the Preferences and Administration menus will be deprecated in GNOME 3. UNE 10.10 will promote Control Center by placing it in the Launcher. David On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 4:03 PM, Shane Fagan wrote: > Hey all, > > I

Re: [Ayatana] Menu complication

2010-05-17 Thread David Siegel
at 5:06 PM, Shane Fagan wrote: > On Mon, 2010-05-17 at 16:28 +0100, David Siegel wrote: >> GNOME is currently putting new effort into getting Control Center into >> shape, as the Preferences and Administration menus will be deprecated >> in GNOME 3. UNE 10.10 will promote Cont

Re: [Ayatana] Consistent Issues: Smart Search

2010-06-01 Thread David Siegel
Paper cut! I'm pretty sure this is already reported. Also, this is not a \focus-stealing issue per se, in that it involves input focus within a single window and not multiple windows contending for focus. David On Thu, May 20, 2010 at 8:11 PM, Tyler Brainerd wrote: > I often do the same thing w

Re: [Ayatana] GNOME Main Menu and the Distribution Logo

2010-06-21 Thread David Siegel
In Unity, the Ubuntu button toggles the Dash. In GNOME Shell, we could do as David Hamm suggests and "weld" an Ubuntu logo there for consistency with UNE. We could even replace the word "Activities" with the Ubuntu button. David On Sun, Jun 20, 2010 at 5:35 PM, David Hamm wrote: > "I don't thi

Re: [Ayatana] Updating UI issues

2010-06-22 Thread David Siegel
I enabled automatic updating on my Nexus One, and I have to say it's a bummer! While dealing with updates all of the time can be a drag, I miss being notified of new releases of software because those notifications give me the opportunity to read changes and learn about new features. So, if we do g

[Ayatana] How Mozilla does community-driven open source design

2010-06-28 Thread David Siegel
See for an article on Mozilla's community-driven design efforts. An interesting caveat from the article: Some commentators doubt that an open source approach can be fruitfully applied to design. "There are plenty of good ideas, but they don't work well together with the

Re: [Ayatana] Unity Screenshot

2010-06-28 Thread David Siegel
Of course that discussion is not off topic! Please, share your thoughts. David On Mon, Jun 28, 2010 at 1:37 PM, Frederik Nnaji wrote: > We all love what's coming, so here a screenshot of how things could look > once this train is up and running nicely. > Thanks to the entire team @ canonical!!!

Re: [Ayatana] Unity launcher - will an autohide option be available?

2010-07-06 Thread David Siegel
We will certainly have an option to automatically hide the Launcher in 11.04, but for 10.10 I recommend using full screen mode while browsing the web on smaller netbook screens if you need the extra horizontal space. David On Tue, Jul 6, 2010 at 9:51 AM, Diego Moya wrote: > On 5 July 2010 19:03

[Ayatana] Arguments for and against top-placement of tabs in Firefox

2010-07-06 Thread David Siegel
In response to a brooding religious war among contributors over tab positions in Firefox, Firefox designer Alex Faaborg posts arguments supporting and challenging the decision to place Firefox tabs on top by default: Contributors who are active in the Mo

Re: [Ayatana] Unity launcher - will an autohide option be available?

2010-07-06 Thread David Siegel
Yes, we certainly don't want to use a naive edge proximity criterion to determine when to show the Launcher once auto-hiding is available. You go to place your cursor on a portion of a web page near the side of your screen and BAM the Launcher is in your way! I like this GNOME suggestion of using