using Growl on Mac, I really don't see any reason for them to reinvent a
notification system rather than just using libnotify for their notifications.
Kind regards,
Chow Loong Jin
Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Mailing l
ably continue to always be
at odds with each other. If we continue forsaking security for usability, we'll
eventually have something akin to Windows in terms of security. If Ubuntu ever
comes to this, I certainly hope I'm not around to see it.
Kind regards,
Chow Loong Jin
/+bug/527458 where I have
written my response. Rather than having discussions all over the place, I think
it is better to carry out all discussions there instead.
Thanks for posting this to the list though, this issue deserves more attention
than it is getting.
Kind regards,
Chow Loong Jin (GPG:
or "inconsistently used". I would be rather tempted to
categorize the way application indicators use menus as misuse, rather than use,
considering menus have been traditionally used for housing a series of
clickable/activatable actions or a list of items to be chosen from, rather than
of such an approach, and I believe it would feel even
more cluttered and messed up than the previous approach of using tooltips.
Also, as you had mentioned, not all cases are covered by your suggestion,
Transmission, Rhythmbox, and Banshee included.
Kind regards,
Chow Loong Jin (GPG: 0x
gether into something nicer.
Regarding the "Sharing Options" menu item, I have been thinking that it would be
a good idea to do away with it completely, since there is a "Share" tab in the
properties dialog which does exactly the same thing. In fact, it is actually the
same widget
single (albeit
powerful) UI element that nobody uses because they don't know what it is.
Kind regards,
Chow Loong Jin (GPG: 0x8F02A411)
Ubuntu Developer
Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Mailing list: https://launchpad.
mes a month.
I also use it to setup new devices, but this is pretty rare, as setting up
devices is a one-time thing.
> 3. Do you use Bluetooth devices with any OS other than Ubuntu? If so,
> do you find it more or less convenient, and why?
Kind regards,
Chow Loong
ted. For most things involving
progress, I think I'd like to be able to check the progress without needing to
click on anything.
Kind regards,
Chow Loong Jin (GPG: 0x8F02A411)
Ubuntu Developer
Description: OpenPGP digital signature
, then the indicator applet unifies this into one
manner of interaction with the indicators to trigger these default actions.
I think this would lead to the same kind of standardization that the application
indicators is supposed to bring, without cutting back too much on
functionality -- a good c
rtain actions which are already
available in the indicator's menu, so if users have crippled mice, they just
have to go the longer route. :-)
Kind regards,
Chow Loong Jin (GPG: 0x8F02A411)
Ubuntu Developer
Description: OpenPGP digital signature
On Wednesday 14,April,2010 09:54 PM, Frederik Nnaji wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 14:00, Chow Loong Jin <>> wrote:
> Then how about middle click activating a "default action" of an
> indicator?
> [...]
On Thursday 15,April,2010 07:53 AM, Cody Russell wrote:
> On Wed, 2010-04-14 at 20:00 +0800, Chow Loong Jin wrote:
>> Then how about middle click activating a "default action" of an
>> indicator?
>> Perhaps have one of the actions that are present in the menu be
On Thursday 15,April,2010 01:24 PM, Cody Russell wrote:
> On Thu, 2010-04-15 at 11:09 +0800, Chow Loong Jin wrote:
>> Frankly speaking, I'm quite tired of this reasoning. "Menus don't do
>> this",
>> "Menus don't do that". Did you also re
on't hope to have any of the proposed features in Lucid -- FinalFreeze should
have activated by now, and UIFreeze long ago. These proposals are for Maverick,
and releases after it.
Kind regards,
Chow Loong Jin (GPG: 0x8F02A411)
Ubuntu Developer
Description: OpenPGP digita
ormal menu interaction. This
> is better than brushing those cases off as "hidden treasures".
And similar to what Remco proposed (double-click/default actions be bolded), we
could perhaps place intuitive scrolling icons on these actions that can be
triggered via the scroll wheel f
your cursor to the top left corner. The button is just there
for discoverability and to provide tablet users with something to poke, I think.
Kind regards,
Chow Loong Jin (GPG: 0x8F02A411)
Ubuntu Developer
Description: OpenPGP digital signature
> here to test how far that corner extends so it may be a non-issue.
I believe the corner is only 1 pixel by 1 pixel, similar to Compiz's hot edges.
Clicking the button is a separate issue though. If this poses a problem, I think
it do not think it would be much better on the right side,
of menus and toolbar icons.
An aforementioned example of a menu that does not use text in its menu buttons
was Google Chromium, but its menu comes from a toolbar button, not a menu button
-- it lives on the toolbar.
> [...]
Kind regards,
Chow Loong Jin
Description: Open
to ~14W, gaining me approximately half an hour worth of battery. Surely a
microblogging client, and potentially more things using Couch shouldn't take
this much power? Or actually, just couch running alone is bad enough.
Kind regards,
ith complaints about hitting the
> close button on maximized windows accidentally etc. if the
> Applications menu appeared on hover that would remove that risk.
It makes the accidental hover over these menus a lot more painful. I'd rather
not have this.
Kind regards,
Chow Loon
spoofed using
Ubuntu-styled window borders.
Kind regards,
Chow Loong Jin
Description: OpenPGP digital signature
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ion that I have updates, so I would just forget about it.
An *icon* in the panel that is bright red in a set of monochrome icons, will
catch my attention, and I would be able to attend to it when I am free enough
for updates.
Having the "reboot please" icon sitting around in t
on and can decide how to process it.
> I think it makes sense for current song and battery level. Are there
> other cases of extra information that we'd need to cater to?
I think there was the issue of upload/download speed of Transmission which used
to be displayed in a tool
ugh D-Bus
from an application to notify-osd/notification-daemon.
Considering the size of the indicators, these icons should be pretty small,
compared to the kinds of images sent to notify-osd, so it should not cause a
huge memory leak like it did with notify-osd.
Kind regards,
Chow Loong Jin
heel!*cough**cough*. No
really, I am still using Karmic, and still get my nice scrollwheel
functionality, but I believe I will miss it greatly once I switch to
Kind regards,
Chow Loong Jin
Description: OpenPGP digital signature
recognition software. :-D
Kind regards,
Chow Loong Jin
Description: OpenPGP digital signature
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More h
rge tooltips that Rhythmbox and
Banshee were having prior to app-indicator-ification.
Kind regards,
Chow Loong Jin
Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Mailing list:
Post to : ayatana@
same location, similar to how application indicators are ordered.
Kind regards,
Chow Loong Jin
Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Mailing list:
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ld be in "Other
>>>>> " entry.
>>> Absolutely. By default there should be only one volume slider for all
>>> programs (like now). A control for every program (e. g. gedit …) will
>>> just confuse users.
>> FYI, '
performance artists or people working on
> sound production. I doubt, however, that they will want to use an
> indicator menu as their UI, and will have to be provided with a
> specialized solution anyway.
> Do people see other use cases I'm missing?
Kind regar
gt;> certain notifications are masked by loud music, there should be a
>> function to automatically slightly dim every other sound when a
>> notification is playing (in a subtle, not in an annoying way, of
>> course).
> +
> On 3 May 2010 13:14, Chow Loong Jin w
On Monday 03,May,2010 10:17 PM, Martín Soto wrote:
> On Mon, May 3, 2010 at 1:23 PM, Chow Loong Jin <>> wrote:
> I think listening to music while chatting is not rare at all. I do
> it, and many
> other people I know do
On Monday 03,May,2010 10:22 PM, Martín Soto wrote:
> On Mon, May 3, 2010 at 4:11 PM, Chow Loong Jin <>> wrote:
> Think of all those flashy annoying myspace pages that play music and
> don't
> provide any controls. D
ment it is a necessity to keep this function.
Please keep in mind that most notebooks do not have hardware volume controls,
since any hardware volume buttons/controls actually send events to the OS which
will be the one handling the volume control.
Kind regards,
Chow Loong Jin
ns highlighted, but none highlighting the possible
benefits CSD can bring. I'm sure that if we have good reasons for implementing
CSD, it would calm the concerns many seem to have about CSD.
Kind regards,
Chow Loong Jin
Description: PGP signature
se unhealthy people to whom
salmonella infection is a big deal.
Kind regards,
Chow Loong Jin
Description: PGP signature
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ully hibernate, even when using TuxOnIce,
which is much faster than the default method. I believe suspend-hybrid isn't
ready for consumption just yet.
Kind regards,
Chow Loong Jin
Description: OpenPGP digital signature
sor in the middle of the window. The
direction the window is resized in is then chosen from the direction
you first move your mouse in after clicking the "Resize" option.
Perhaps we could improve on one of these methods and make it more
obvious to users.
Kind regards,
lar for
external hard disks.
> The current dialog doesn't seem to be about security (otherwise there would
> be a
> warning stating that) it seems to exist because Nautilus doesn't know what you
> want to do with the file.
Right, and it can't, because there's no wa
irefox whenever
you clicked on it, what would you do?"
Kind regards,
Chow Loong Jin
Description: OpenPGP digital signature
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On Wednesday 02,February,2011 04:31 AM, Ward Muylaert wrote:
> Eh, that doesn't sound like it has anything to do with GNOME Shell or Unity,
> but
> more like simply running a screencasting program in the background that
> triggers
> on that particular key combo.
I believe GNOME Shell actually do
On Tuesday 08,February,2011 09:36 PM, Matthew Paul Thomas wrote:
> A window's close button should close the window. Anything else the
> program does should aim for the least overall distraction.
Please correct me if I am wrong, but does this not mean that the original
behaviour of having the media
On Tuesday 15,March,2011 09:21 AM, Conscious User wrote:
> In an effort to get *some* reaction other than Jeremy's to this
> thread, let me ask something to the people of this list: how
> many of you actually use Evolution? And how many of you feel
> confortable with the current way it's integra
In Ubuntu 11.04, Unity has effectively removed notification area support for
almost everything but a few exceptions, which are maintained in a whitelist
specified in dconf.
I'm not exactly sure why this happened, but I'm thinking that it's something
along the lines of forcing all applications to m
On 19/05/2011 16:57, Florian Diesch wrote:
> It's about impossible to use "focus follows mouse" and multiple windows
> with the global menu, which makes it unusable for me.
Not entirely possible -- I use F10 to get to the menus. But I'll agree, it is
pretty inconvenient.
Kind regards,
On 26/05/2011 17:29, Jo-Erlend Schinstad wrote:
> I originally posted this message to ubuntu-desktop@lists.u-c
> and didrocks suggested I forwarded it here. So here goes. :)
> [...]
Hi Jo-Erlend,
While I'll agree it's not immediately obvious what the backlight colours are
for, I think the backlig
On 29/10/2011 03:33, Carl Ansell wrote:
> Thats nice. But put a window behind the menu, and you won't be able to read
> the
> text clearly.
Not quite. You just need to set the opacity high enough. See and for
On 29/10/2011 19:59, Peterson Silva wrote:
> What I guess I'm trying to say is that Mac OS X and its rounded corners: I'm
> all
> in for them, if they don't have them patented. But that baloon? Seems like a
> circus to me =(
> (Btw, I'm aware that they are on the Unity Launcher (sorta), and
On 02/11/2011 11:14, anthropornis wrote:
> Or I could click one button one time. That is the essence of simplicity.
You could say that for every commonly used feature there is.
I don't frequently change views, for example, but I frequently change between
showing hidden files and not. I also creat
On 02/11/2011 12:25, James Jenner wrote:
> The solution before the current solution was to have a toolbar with buttons
> for
> common actions. Who said that the solution that was 'current' previously had
> to
> change?
Upstream, I guess, but wouldn't you agree it looks much cleaner this way?
On 02/11/2011 12:43, anthropornis wrote:
> In Nautilus Elementary I had 3 buttons to switch views (icon, list, compact).
> It
> was on the same row as the location (text or breadcrumb) and was not cluttered
> for me at all.
Strange. In my Nautilus Elementary, the buttons were on the status bar be
On 27/11/2011 18:32, Enrico Carafa wrote:
> if the mouse is in the left part of the windows, the control appear to the
> left,
> otherwise if the mouse is in the right part of the windows, the control appear
> to the right.
How does that work for maximized windows when you have indicators in the
On 29/11/2011 23:08, Matthew Paul Thomas wrote:
> The first reason is that a chat window wouldn't be noticable unless it
> was frontmost; it's difficult (or little-known) to make a window
> frontmost without making it take focus; and if a window takes focus
> while you're working, that's annoyin
On 02/12/2011 03:45, Dylan McCall wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 12:08 PM, Conscious User
> wrote:
>> The most obvious one is the ugly gap when no synchronous notification
>> is being shown. But I personally think that making synchronous and
>> asynchronous informations have the same appearance
On 02/12/2011 19:46, Matthew Paul Thomas wrote:
> True. But it could appear only when someone starts a conversation,
> rather than every time they say something.
That only makes it slightly better. It's still just as disruptive at the
beginning of a conversation. In contrast, a notification allows
On 29/01/2012 16:22, supernova wrote:
> Goodmorning (GMT+1) to all. Yesterday I tried Precise, and it works
> very good. I have seen that it is a bit slower and more fat than the
> gnome-shell, as it happened for 11.10, 11.04, ... . I guess it is due
> to compiz, which is more heavy than mutter. Wh
On 29/01/2012 20:55, Conscious User wrote:
> Em 29-01-2012 10:10, Chow Loong Jin escreveu:
>> On 29/01/2012 16:22, supernova wrote:
>>> Goodmorning (GMT+1) to all. Yesterday I tried Precise, and it works
>>> very good. I have seen that it is a bit slower and mor
On 29/01/2012 23:53, supernova wrote:
> maybe it is because I have intel graphics, but I find gnomeshell
> faster then unity, at first and clean installation I mean. Let's hope
> better for the future...
I have two laptops, one of which runs on the Intel GMA 965/X3100, and another
running on Sandy
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