Re: [Ayatana] super+n+up/down/home to rearrange launcher icons.

2011-09-28 Thread Stefanos A.
2011/9/28 Jo-Erlend Schinstad > Den 28. sep. 2011 11:24, skrev Stefanos A.: > > Change the key press to key release would indeed introduce an unacceptable >> delay. I have already filed bugs on Unity for things that are activated on >> release rather than press, like the BFB (now Dash button - i

Re: [Ayatana] super+n+up/down/home to rearrange launcher icons.

2011-09-28 Thread Jo-Erlend Schinstad
Den 28. sep. 2011 11:24, skrev Stefanos A.: I just tried and the Launcher currently activates on key press, not release. Super+2 activates without releasing the key. Yes, and that would have to be changed. Change the key press to key release would indeed introduce an unacceptable delay. I

Re: [Ayatana] super+n+up/down/home to rearrange launcher icons.

2011-09-28 Thread Stefanos A.
2011/9/28 Jo-Erlend Schinstad > Den 27. sep. 2011 16:39, skrev David: > > I like the idea, but wouldn't it mean coding a delay before Unity actually >> launches the program? Otherwise, how will it know whether you want to >> launch or just move the icon? >> > > No, it wouldn't, because you woul

Re: [Ayatana] super+n+up/down/home to rearrange launcher icons.

2011-09-27 Thread Jo-Erlend Schinstad
Den 27. sep. 2011 16:39, skrev David: I like the idea, but wouldn't it mean coding a delay before Unity actually launches the program? Otherwise, how will it know whether you want to launch or just move the icon? No, it wouldn't, because you wouldn't actually initiate anything until the butt

Re: [Ayatana] super+n+up/down/home to rearrange launcher icons.

2011-09-27 Thread Stefanos A.
2011/9/27 David > I like the idea, but wouldn't it mean coding a delay before Unity actually > launches the program? Otherwise, how will it know whether you want to > launch or just move the icon? > That is a very good question. Would the reuse Super+# indeed add a delay? If yes, that would be,

Re: [Ayatana] super+n+up/down/home to rearrange launcher icons.

2011-09-27 Thread Juan Montoya
Cool, but if it was a bug on launchpad, it would be Triaged. Rearranging the launchers should not be a frequent task, thus it would not deserve so many shortcuts. Things should be simple, such as dragging (however, a context menu would be nice too). For people like Jo-Erlend Schinstad, it'd be ni

Re: [Ayatana] super+n+up/down/home to rearrange launcher icons.

2011-09-27 Thread David
I like the idea, but wouldn't it mean coding a delay before Unity actually launches the program? Otherwise, how will it know whether you want to launch or just move the icon? I've been thinking of something similar for a while; my idea was to have launchers that opened more than one program a

Re: [Ayatana] super+n+up/down/home to rearrange launcher icons.

2011-09-27 Thread Josh Strawbridge
seems like it'd be easier to have a few arrangements that you could use hot keys to swap to. that way instead of having to rearrange your launcher each time you could just the key command once and you're finished. or for that matter why not make it so the user could add or remove the number of laun