Re: [Ayatana] Fwd: stop quick hide application top menu on top task bar

2011-10-18 Thread
totally agree with the always visible on the global menu. don't want that top taskbar only displays empty bar most of the time, do we? :P /charles everytime i get ahead, i feel more dead. On Wed, Oct 19, 2011 at 12:24 AM, Stefanos A. wrote: > For what it's worth, I've pretty much stopped using

Re: [Ayatana] Ayatana dev list - attitude

2011-10-18 Thread
I like the option #1. :) /charles everytime i get ahead, i feel more dead. On Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 8:26 PM, Matthew Paul Thomas wrote: > -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- > Hash: SHA1 > > wrote on 16/10/11 10:50: > > ... > > > > I do still

Re: [Ayatana] stop quick hide application top menu on top task bar

2011-10-18 Thread
unity. if we're gonna copy mac osx/ios, at least we have to do it right this time! :D kind regards, /charles everytime i get ahead, i feel more dead. On Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 8:00 PM, Matthew Paul Thomas wrote: > -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- > Hash: SHA1 > > Hi Charle

Re: [Ayatana] Ayatana dev list - attitude

2011-10-16 Thread
Dear Tomasz, That would be great. But they are still required to have valid account on launchpad or something official from ubuntu though, otherwise naughty user will poll and poll again just to abuse ubuntu developement progress. I'm not a programmer but I'm sure I'll glad to help with any kind

[Ayatana] stop quick hide application top menu on top task bar

2011-10-15 Thread
dear ubuntu unity developer team, could you make the active application top menu appears all the time on the task bar just like mac osx? it annoys me i have to hover my mouse to the top task bar each time i want to change the preferences or options. current experience it's just not as smooth as i

[Ayatana] reduce the font and ui size!

2011-10-15 Thread
dear unity developer team, could you please reduce the default font and ui size of unity and ubuntu overall, they really taking much screen real estate, or at least give us option to reduce the dpi or ppi setting like the one in windows. after playing with unity and ubuntu 11.04 and 11.10, and ch

[Ayatana] reduce the font and ui size

2011-10-15 Thread
dear unity developer team, could you please reduce the default font and ui size of unity and ubuntu overall, they really taking much screen real estate, or at least give us option to reduce the dpi or ppi setting like the one in windows. after playing with unity and ubuntu 11.04 and 11.10, and ch