totally agree with the always visible on the global menu. don't want that
top taskbar only displays empty bar most of the time, do we? :P
everytime i get ahead, i feel more dead.
On Wed, Oct 19, 2011 at 12:24 AM, Stefanos A. wrote:
> For what it's worth, I've pretty much stopped using
For what it's worth, I've pretty much stopped using menus since I started
using 11.04. There are times when I forget menus even exist and stand there
wondering how to perform some action - especially in applications I am not
familiar with. Other applications with complex menus, such as gimp, have
I'm sorry, I forgot to add ayatana list to the recipients. Message below.
-- Forwarded message --
From: Tadej Rosa
Date: Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 18:27
Subject: Re: [Ayatana] stop quick hide application top menu on top task bar
To: Jo-Erlend Schinstad
If I may interject; I really d
Den 18. okt. 2011 17:38, skrev David:
"In my opinion, every icon that has multiple windows should work as a
stack, popping up the most recently used window from that group, one at
a time instead of the whole group."
Something is not right with the unity launcher for sure, multiple windows of
"In my opinion, every icon that has multiple windows should work as a
stack, popping up the most recently used window from that group, one at
a time instead of the whole group."
Something is not right with the unity launcher for sure, multiple windows of
the same application is a massive pita a
Den 18. okt. 2011 12:50, skrev
i guess, there's a lot to be done with this unity.
if we're gonna copy mac osx/ios, at least we have to do it right this
time! :D
Learning and copying are two radically different things. I really don't
want to have the menus visi
> On Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 16:13, Christian Rupp wrote:
>> But I still don't like the idea behind, melting dash and Commands. I think
>> keep on using [alt]+[f2] is a better choice. Anything else would confuse the
>> "normal" user.
> that's a valid po
On Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 16:13, Christian Rupp wrote:
> Am 17.10.2011 15:09, schrieb
> i'd like to type (and one day speak) natural language to achieve simple
> things, such as adding an appointment to my calendar or showing all pictures
> i copied, viewed, created or
Sorry, I am not a Ubuntu developer, I have no power over what is
included and what patches are accepted. I'm in doubt that my application
will get into Ubuntu, I just wanted to share it with people that like to
have such an app.
In order to get everything working with this setting Fir
2011/10/18 Tomasz Sałaciński
> The text scaling factor setting is highly undesireable. Neighter Mozilla
> apps or QT apps are respecting it. So with this change you'll get
> smaller/bigger fonts on the desktop, but Skype, Guitar Pro and Firefox will
> remain intact. This will make user to search
The text scaling factor setting is highly undesireable. Neighter Mozilla
apps or QT apps are respecting it. So with this change you'll get
smaller/bigger fonts on the desktop, but Skype, Guitar Pro and Firefox
will remain intact. This will make user to search "changing Firefox font
size in Ubun
I like the option #1. :)
everytime i get ahead, i feel more dead.
On Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 8:26 PM, Matthew Paul Thomas wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> wrote on 16/10/11 10:50:
> > ...
> >
> > I do still believe there's something has t
dear Matthew,
thanks for the link, i hope they listen to us and make an option to turn it
on everytime.
i also noticed that we could not put a link on the desktop, and also we
could not adjust the order of the sidebar launcher, i have to remove all the
apps and add it again to the sidebar to get
FYI: Changing the text-scaling-factor is easy with gsettings:
$ gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface text-scaling-factor FACTOR
FACTOR is a float value with high precision
For example:
$ gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface text-scaling-factor 0.9
Also, you can get the current factor
Hash: SHA1 wrote on 15/10/11 19:58:
> dear unity developer team,
> could you please reduce the default font and ui size of unity and
> ubuntu overall, they really taking much screen real estate, or at
> least give us option to reduce
Hash: SHA1
Stefanos A. wrote on 16/10/11 15:24:
>> *Some* windows are ok to resize, because for those windows, the
>> probability that people would resize them deliberately multiplied
>> by the benefit from doing so is greater than the probability that
>> peo
Hash: SHA1 wrote on 16/10/11 10:50:
> ...
> I do still believe there's something has to change regarding the up
> to date software installation, just like in windows xp, though it's
> old from year 2001, but we still able to install most
Hash: SHA1
Hi Charles wrote on 15/10/11 20:02:
> ...
> could you make the active application top menu appears all the time
> on the task bar just like mac osx?
> it annoys me i have to hover my mouse to the top task bar each time
> i
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