> "Dean" == Dean Hoover <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> make clean all CFLAGS=-ggdb
Dean> The sources are c++, so should I set CXXFLAGS instead?
Dean> Is this somewhere in the documents?
It ought to be.
If not please tell us.
> > directories and several executables and several libraries. I plan to
> > use this in conjunction with CVS. I would like to know how to go
> > about adding a debug target, such that -O2 is not given on the
> > compile/link lines. Any ideas?
> make clean all CFLAGS=
veral libraries. I plan to
> use this in conjunction with CVS. I would like to know how to go
> about adding a debug target, such that -O2 is not given on the
> compile/link lines. Any ideas?
make clean all CFLAGS=-ggdb
would like to know how to
go about adding a debug target, such
that -O2 is not given on the compile/link
lines. Any ideas?
Dean Hoover