On Tue, Oct 28, 2014 at 3:34 AM, Wy kevinthesun wrote:
> Finally I tried to test Encoder library as before. I create "Test6" Project
> which only included "Encoder.h" and wrote Makefile.am similarly as Test3:
> bin_PROGRAMS = Test6
> Test6_SOURCES = Test6.cpp
> Test6_LDFLAGS = -L/home/kevinthe
I am using GNU Autotool toolchain to work in Eclipse. I have some problems
with linking to static library.
First, I create a static library project "GPIOPin" and successfully
compiling it with following Makefile.am:
noinst_LIBRARIES = libGPIOPin.a
libGPIOPin_a_SOURCES = GPIOPin.cpp GPIOPin.h