>>> "Bj|rn" == Bj|rn Englund <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Bj|rn> Is there any hope of getting this problem solved any time soon?
Bj|rn> (PR 376 at http://sources.redhat.com/cgi-bin/gnatsweb.pl?database=automake)
Bj|rn> Is someone working on it?
I don't think so, but that would be welcome...
Is there any hope of getting this problem solved any time soon?
(PR 376 at http://sources.redhat.com/cgi-bin/gnatsweb.pl?database=automake)
Is someone working on it?
Is there a workaround other than putting the libraries in
the same install directory?
In my case I can solve this manually by doi