On Sun, 2006-01-29 at 19:16 -0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hello
> I am new to automake and stuff. I have read and copied several examples so as
> to learn how to use it. There is one thing I couldn't find: a extremely
> simple example on how to build a library.
Google for the "goat book"
Thomas Porschberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> %.cpp %.h: %.ui
> @UIC@ -o $(<:%.ui=%.h) $<
> @UIC@ -i $(<:%.ui=%.h) -o $(<:%.ui=%.cpp) $<
You should not use $< for constructing targets, only $@ will contain the
right name to create. IIUC the commands are creating the each of two
I am new to automake and stuff. I have read and copied several examples so as
to learn how to use it. There is one thing I couldn't find: a extremely
simple example on how to build a library. I am running ifort (intel
compiler). Could a kind soul out there send me a configure.ac and
we run automake (and autoconf,libtool) in a project which
uses the QT library.
Programming with QT involves to generate *cpp,*h from so called
*ui files and *moc files from header files.
The way we do this in Makefile.am is as follows:
%.cpp %.h: %.ui