My package contains the libintl sources in the intl/ subdirectory
(produced by gettextize with --intl) and sources for a portability
library in the lib/ subdirectory (produced by gnulib-tool).
When building the portability library with NLS enabled, on a system
lacking libintl.h, make fails wi
Adnan Shaheen wrote:
Hi there,
I want to know how can i define macros in my configure.ac file.
If i can do it how i will define a macro TESTING in the configure.ac
For my code as
#ifdef TESTING
do this
#else // if not defined TESTING
do that
#endif // TESTING
Hi Adnan,
You're speaking the wr
Hi there,
I want to know how can i define macros in my configure.ac file.
If i can do it how i will define a macro TESTING in the configure.ac
For my code as
#ifdef TESTING
do this
#else // if not defined TESTING
do that
#endif // TESTING
Adnan Shaheen.
Software Engi