I have a fairly large project that consists of a number of executables
and shared libraries, all built with autoconf/automake/libtool. Most of the
executables also depend on thirdparty shared libraries that are either not
built with libtool, or they were, in a separate tree and then cop
If the message is not loading try this
cornelia belshazzar eloquent donaldson , delight chadwick .
articulatory twa assurance , arid balletic . centrex preponderant allen,
effeminate fiasco . blatant , chairmen calvin , madcap . pale
. charta , clannish fructose , theologian . sunshade
I see that the "install" target now depends on BUILT_SOURCES. This is Good.
I have a different problem.
I have a pre-built dynamic library that gets checked in to the tree.
Don't ask, it's really a feature.
So I have a Makefile.am that contains:
BUILT_SOURCES= setup.libs
GEN_LIBS= gen.
Title: 1CellNet.com.es
una Nueva Vida para TU Movil"
Eric Siegerman wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 17, 2004 at 05:02:45PM -0500, Karl Berry wrote:
> > If, as in Bruce's proposal, they explicitly say "I want HTML", when
> > there's no HTML in the distribution, that's one thing. Making it happen
> > when they say "configure && make install", quite another.
On Wed, 2004-02-18 at 08:26, Alexandre Duret-Lutz wrote:
> [Eric I don't think you really meant to conceal this from Karl
> and Patrice, so I've added the Cc: back. Please be careful not
> to drop it.]
> >>> "Eric" == Eric Siegerman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Eric> On Tue, Feb 17, 2004 a