> You can strip your binaries while they are installed with
> make install-strip
> If your package supports cross-compilation don't forget to add
> AC_CHECK_TOOL([STRIP],[strip])
> to your configure.ac.
This works well, thanks!
Is there also a way to strip shared libraries that I install?
>>> "Dmitry" == Dmitry Mikhin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Dmitry> I'm trying to use autotools for a project that includes
Dmitry> Fortran-90 files (extensions f90 for preprocessed files
Dmitry> and F90 for source files).
Dmitry> make distclean
Dmitry> tries to compile a file distclean
Ted Irons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
| Am using autoconf-2.5.2, automake-1.5b, libtool-1.4b
| on an ix86 box run running Suse Linux with kernel-2.4.6.
| libohrnet_la_SOURCES = ascbin.cc
| libohrnet_la_LDFLAGS = -version-inf