> "Mark" == Mark E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Mark> Could an equivalent change be considered to automake.in so
Mark> DJGPP's bison will work? While not the best solution, it's the
Mark> best one I can think of until there is suitable macro in
Mark> Autoconf to deal with this. I'm not famili
> "Mike" == Mike Reilly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Mike> As root, I ran "tar -zxvf automake-1.4.tar.gz". I
Mike> then went into the directory that was created, ran
Mike> ./configure, make and then make install.
Mike> When I checked the version, however, I found that I
Mike> still had autom
Hullo --
Sorry to bother you, but I'm having a lot of trouble
updating automake on my system.
I recently (4 days ago) delved into Linux with Corel
Linux (which I believe is built on Debian). While
trying to install LICQ, I found that I needed automake
1.4 running, and all I had was 1.3.
I went
Hello folks,
I made this change to binutils/ld/Makefile.in so it can handle y_tab.c and y_tab.h:
*** Makefile.in.origThu Dec 2 06:49:18 1999
--- Makefile.in Fri Feb 18 16:57:58 2000
*** 519,528
$(LEX) $(AM_LFLAGS) $(LFLAGS) $< && mv $(LEX_OUTPUT_ROOT).c $
Thanks very much for your help. I'll give your suggestions a shot. As
for the dependency stuff, I added it because we were having some
problems with the changes of the headers used by the .ec files not
getting picked up. Since you reminded me that it was gcc-specific, that
jogs my memory