Re: [Assp-test] RegEx Backreferences - the basics

2021-11-05 Thread K Post
Now you've taken up the entirety of any free time I would have had this coming weekend so I fully dissect your (I'm sure vastly) improved regex! Can't wait to learn from it, especially how you're using the negative lookahead. Already I'm learning from it, I didn't know you could do defines at all,

Re: [Assp-test] Another Concept Question: DKIMBousScoreList

2021-11-05 Thread K Post
Having the dkimBonusScoreList would be like applying dkimBonusValancePB but ONLY for those that DKIM validate AND are on the scorelist. Here's why I think that would be helpful and what you proposed could be problematic. Essentially: I'm thinking: "look, this organization usually sends good stuff

Re: [Assp-test] Another Concept Question: DKIMBousScoreList

2021-11-05 Thread Thomas Eckardt
Another useless post about concepts without reading the manual. >dkimBonusValancePB there is already dkimOkValencePB - increase it and reduce the score for certain domains by blackListedDomains, SenderBase or anywhere else - if needed Thomas Von:"K Post" An: "ASSP development ma

Re: [Assp-test] RegEx Backreferences - the basics

2021-11-05 Thread Thomas Eckardt
>It seems like using <<< >>> to turn of regex optimization might break the 2nd parameter from being recognized. That's true. It is fixed in the next release. regex: something like this is better to read after some time, it is much less greedy, faster and selfexplaining: (?(DEFINE)(?[a-z]{2,6