Re: [PATCH 3/3] drm/amdgpu: busywait KIQ register accessing v3

2017-10-18 Thread Ding, Pixel
Thanks Christian:) will change the return value as you suggested. — Sincerely Yours, Pixel On 18/10/2017, 3:05 PM, "Koenig, Christian" wrote: >Am 18.10.2017 um 02:56 schrieb Pixel Ding: >> From: pding >> >> Register accessing is performed when IRQ is disabled. Never sleep in >> this fun

Re: [PATCH 3/3] drm/amdgpu: busywait KIQ register accessing v3

2017-10-18 Thread Christian König
Am 18.10.2017 um 02:56 schrieb Pixel Ding: From: pding Register accessing is performed when IRQ is disabled. Never sleep in this function. Known issue: dead sleep in many use cases of index/data registers. v2: wrap polling fence functions. don't trigger IRQ for polling in case of wrongly fenc

[PATCH 3/3] drm/amdgpu: busywait KIQ register accessing v3

2017-10-17 Thread Pixel Ding
From: pding Register accessing is performed when IRQ is disabled. Never sleep in this function. Known issue: dead sleep in many use cases of index/data registers. v2: wrap polling fence functions. don't trigger IRQ for polling in case of wrongly fence signal. v3: handle wrap round gracefully.