: Wang, Chao-kai (Stylon) ; Chiu, Solomon
; Li, Sun peng (Leo) ; Wentland,
Harry ; Zhuo, Qingqing ;
Siqueira, Rodrigo ; Li, Roman ;
Jacob, Anson ; Pillai, Aurabindo
; Lin, Wayne ; Lipski, Mikita
; Lakha, Bhawanpreet ;
Gutierrez, Agustin ; Kotarac, Pavle
Subject: [PATCH 00/22] DC Patches Nov
This DC patchset brings improvements in multiple areas. In summary, we
* Improvements to INBOX0 HW Lock
* Add support for sending TPS3 pattern
* Fix Coverity Issues
* Fixes for DMUB
* Fix RGB MPO underflow with multiple displays
* WS fixes and code restructure
Alvin Lee (1):