Re: [Zim-wiki] Love tags - a heartfelt plea

2018-04-05 Thread
Shan, I see, you are referring to the ‚find tagged pages‘ plugin. I thought you were referring to the auto-completion plugin. > I would ideally like to see that in columns - perhaps a settings option? plus > option on number of columns? I'd personally make it 4 columns and widen the > area. I

Re: [Zim-wiki] Love tags - a heartfelt plea

2018-04-03 Thread
Hi Shan, > With a selection list to skim over it would be possible to work with around > 250 Tags or more. What kind of a selection list do you have in mind? If you activate the tag auto-completion plugin (with the @ key) a list of all tags are shown which you can skim over (either with the mou

Re: [Zim-wiki] Love tags - a heartfelt plea

2018-04-03 Thread
Hi Shan, you might want to try the tag auto completion plugin which will easify adding tags. I also created a plugin (work in progress) which also makes it easier to search for pages with tags: https://gist.g

Re: [Zim-wiki] Zim 0.62-rc2 Windows build published; lots of Windows build process cleanup done; more to be done

2017-06-13 Thread
by the way, copy / paste seems to work now. I don't see a difference between copy as Wiki / Markdown / RST, though. Regards, Murat -Original Message- From: Murat Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 2017 11:04 AM To: '' ; Subject: RE: [Zim-wiki] Zim 0.62-r

Re: [Zim-wiki] Zim 0.62-rc2 Windows build published; lots of Windows build process cleanup done; more to be done

2017-06-13 Thread
Hi Brendan, I tried the portable version and it seems as if the user plugin folder is not found. Clicking on the button in Preferences/Plugin shows this path: C:\Tools\ZimWiki\Portable\ZimWiki067rc2\App\Data\zim\plugins Could you check this please? Thank you and Regards, Murat -Origin

Re: [Zim-wiki] Shorten the link text automatically

2016-12-19 Thread
Daniel, with your described use case, may be you want to try my „Searched tagged pages“ plugin? I implemented a function „Add pages as link“ there which basically adds the found pages into the current page as links. If you find this useful and / or need some adaptions (e.g. Just the page name

Re: [Zim-wiki] Zim in Android?

2016-09-06 Thread
Hi, Hans has started some dev on this last year, if I'm not mistaken. Regards, Murat -Original Message- From: Zim-wiki [] On Behalf Of Marco Cevoli Sent: Sunday, September 4,