Re: [Openstack] paas in openstack and forked cloudfoindry

2012-09-14 Thread John Purrier
open PaaS over your OpenStack infrastructure will significantly help your developers and operational teams. John John Purrier Chief Technology Officer <> About: johnpur <> From: F

Re: [Openstack] [swift] Operational knowledge sharing

2012-08-10 Thread John Purrier
This is great info, John. Thanks. John John Purrier (206) 930-0788 On 8/10/12 9:31 AM, "John Dickinson" wrote: >In a standard swift deployment, the proxy server is running behind a load >balancer and/or an SSL terminato

Re: [Openstack-poc] Next meeting: proposal to get openstack-common a proper PTL

2012-08-06 Thread John Purrier
I haven't seen a proposal for Heat incubation? John John Purrier Chief Technology Officer, Appfog (206) 930-0788 On 8/6/12 2:29 PM, "Jonathan Bryce" wrote: >Does everyone want to cover this and the supporting p

[Openstack] Happy Birthday OpenStack!

2012-07-17 Thread John Purrier
m and also one of the contest judges. John John Purrier (206) 930-0788 ___ Mailing list: Post to : Unsubscribe : https://launchpa

[Openstack] OpenStack and VDI

2012-06-20 Thread John Purrier
Hi all, recently there was a post by Zdnet about some folks that are implementing VDI (virtual desktop) integrated with OpenStack. I would like to get in touch with the project, if anyone knows of or are part of the effort. Thanks, John John Purrier (206) 930-0788 http

Re: [Openstack] OpenStack 2012.1 ("Essex") is RELEASED !

2012-04-05 Thread John Purrier
Congratulations to everyone in the OpenStack community for achieving this milestone! John -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Thierry Carrez Sent: Thursday, April 0

Re: [Openstack] Limit flavors to specific hosts

2012-04-03 Thread John Purrier
+1. Interesting scenarios open up if we can have the scheduler intelligently direct workloads based on config/metadata. johnpur From: [] On Behalf Of Vishvananda Ishay

Re: [Openstack] Creating openstack-dev mailing list

2011-10-06 Thread John Purrier
arrez (ttx)(Rackspace) John Dickinson (notmyname)(Rackspace)) Vish Ishaya (vishy)(Rackspace) Josh Kearney (jk0)(Rackspace) Joshua McKenty (jmckenty)(Piston) Ewan Mellor (ewanmellor)(Citrix) Jay Pipes (jaypipes)(Rackspace) John Purrier (johnpur)(HP) Monty Taylor (mordred)(Rackspace) Paul Voccio (pvo)(Racks

Re: [Openstack-poc] Meeting tomorrow

2011-10-04 Thread John Purrier
OK. -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Jonathan Bryce Sent: Monday, October 03, 2011 1:38 PM To: Subject: [Openstack-poc]

Re: [Openstack-poc] Meeting today

2011-07-12 Thread John Purrier
Ok, but we should tie up these threads soon. We should add a policy discussion around security updates and processes. Additionally, I would like to start a discussion around setting up targeted 'work groups' that have significant project impacts, but may not involve code. The two I am thinking

Re: [Openstack] [Nova] [Glance] diablo-2 milestone is available

2011-07-01 Thread John Purrier
Nice work by all in hitting this milestone! johnpur On Jun 30, 2011, at 10:47 AM, Thierry Carrez wrote: > Hello everyone, > > Another four weeks, another milestone ! In the spirit of getting > features out to the world as soon as possible, today sees the > availability of the second milestone

Re: [Openstack-poc] Meeting tomorrow

2011-06-14 Thread John Purrier
or PaaS-elements. As the projects mature and some of them apply to be "incubated" we should have an agreed to position as to what is within the OpenStack charter and what is clearly not. John From: Joshua McKenty [] Sent: Tuesday, June 14, 2011 5:08 AM To: Jay

Re: [Openstack-poc] Meeting tomorrow

2011-06-13 Thread John Purrier] On Behalf Of Thierry Carrez Sent: Monday, June 13, 2011 1:48 PM To: Subject: Re: [Openstack-poc] Meeting tomorrow John Purrier wrote: > Does it make sense to discuss the state/progress on the GitHub migration > project? I think someone needs to se

Re: [Openstack-poc] Meeting tomorrow

2011-06-13 Thread John Purrier [] On Behalf Of John Purrier Sent: Monday, June 13, 2011 1:10 PM To: 'Jay Pipes'; 'Jonathan Bryce' Cc: Subject: Re: [Openstac

Re: [Openstack-poc] Meeting tomorrow

2011-06-13 Thread John Purrier
+1 on being totally transparent. Advocates for projects must be at the meeting where the application is discussed, inevitably questions will come up that can only be answered by someone with project knowledge. Jay, what is your concern with PHP? With all of the project integration work in fligh

Re: [Openstack] Coalescing and Coordinating Continuous Integration, Developer Tools, Function and Smoke Testings Efforts

2011-06-07 Thread John Purrier
Monty, this is great stuff, glad to see significant movement on the CI/testing front. The OpenStack PPB has claimed the hour prior to the OpenStack weekly meeting, can you go 2 hours earlier? Thanks, John -Original Message- From:

Re: [Openstack-poc] github

2011-06-07 Thread John Purrier
Guys, I suggest we turn down the heat and rhetoric on this. We all are working to make OpenStack great, and need to work through our internal issues/disagreements in concise and professional manners. Prior to anyone doing anything regarding projects moving to GitHub, let's get a plan on the tab

Re: [Openstack] GlusterFS project proposal online

2011-06-07 Thread John Purrier
On initial reading this is great stuff. As Josh McKenty pointed out you should relocate the wiki page and then create a blueprint so we can track the project. I will have some specific responses and a couple of questions after spending some time grokking the proposal. John (johnpur) -Origina

Re: [Openstack-poc] [SPAM] github

2011-06-06 Thread John Purrier
Where we left it at the design summit was that termie & mtaylor were going to put together a plan for moving the code repositories to github. This plan needs to detail not only the mechanics of moving from bzr but also how the dev workflow works in terms of code management, code reviews, integratio

Re: [Openstack-poc] Change to PPB meeting schedule

2011-06-03 Thread John Purrier
This time works for me. John On Jun 3, 2011, at 12:28 PM, Jonathan Bryce wrote: > In yesterday's PPB meeting we discussed the meeting schedule. It sounded like > most people preferred to keep it scheduled on a weekly basis and just > continue skipping it when we didn't have any business to di

Re: [Openstack-poc] PPB Meeting on June 2nd

2011-06-01 Thread John Purrier
Agree. The fact remains that we need some leadership from the community over the API's. And it would be nice to have a reference implementation. John -Original Message- From: Jay Pipes [] Sent: Wednesday, June 01, 2011 12:06 PM To: John Purrier Cc: Jon

Re: [Openstack-poc] PPB Meeting on June 2nd

2011-06-01 Thread John Purrier
t;> >> >> >> >> On 2011-05-31, at 10:15 AM, John Purrier wrote: >> >>> +1. >>> >>> This will not slow the development of the projects and allows logical >>> management of the projects to be promoted to &

Re: [Openstack-poc] PPB Meeting on June 2nd

2011-05-31 Thread John Purrier
+1. This will not slow the development of the projects and allows logical management of the projects to be promoted to "core". In order to make this happen we will need to lead the DS timelines, as ttx points out, to allow PTL elections and to involve the new project PTL's in the upcoming DS plann

Re: [Openstack-poc] [SPAM] PPB Meeting tomorrow and Incubation program

2011-05-25 Thread John Purrier
OK by me, I am on a plane tomorrow. John From: [] On Behalf Of Jonathan Bryce Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2011 4:30 PM To: Subject:

Re: [Openstack-poc] Project designations draft

2011-05-19 Thread John Purrier
I would add this, it fleshes details on the core project definition. John -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Thierry Carrez Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2011 1:

Re: [Openstack-poc] [SPAM] Project designations draft

2011-05-19 Thread John Purrier
I think there is still much fuzziness in the incubation description. What are the "incubation assets"? Define what "some access to community resources" means. etc. Also, and perhaps this is just a matter of timing, but how do we think of projects like Lunr, Quantum, Melange, Burrow, etc.? Pre-i

Re: [Openstack] [SPAM] Testing

2011-05-10 Thread John Purrier
Vish, this is good stuff. We should pick this up in glance and swift, either sharing a common effort with nova or specifying for each project the same documentation that Vish is suggesting. Heads up for other projects that are looking to be affiliated or incubated projects, it will save time an

Re: [Openstack-poc] Meeting to discuss commonality

2011-05-09 Thread John Purrier
Silly rabbit, Trix are for kids... Wait, what channel am I on? -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Vishvananda Ishaya Sent: Monday, May 09, 2011 11:21 AM To:

Re: [Openstack] Swift PPA's

2011-05-07 Thread John Purrier > > What is that based on (if I wanted to provide patches for it)? Is it > in the swift code repo? Yes, just like is autobuilt via Sphinx from the project's trunk. As far as what should

Re: [Openstack] Openstack Network service wiki and meeting

2011-05-03 Thread John Purrier
Rick, we have set up a top level LP project "futurestack" and moved all of the associated but not official projects to be children of this. Feel free to link the new network projects here if you want, it allows us to have a single LP spot to go to in order to see the activity on these projects. Jo

Re: [Openstack] Proposal for Justin Santa Barbara to join Nova-Core

2011-04-15 Thread John Purrier
Well deserved, Justin. You have been a great contributor to the project! John -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Justin Santa Barbara Sent: Friday, April 15, 2011

Re: [Openstack] Feature Freeze status

2011-03-30 Thread John Purrier
How about gathering at the water cooler in Santa Clara in a couple of weeks and discussing :)? Until then, super focused energy on working out the remaining Cactus bugs, validating the installation and operation of Nova/Swift/Glance, and getting our packages ready to release would be super! Jo

Re: [Openstack] [Nova] Bugs needing attention

2011-03-30 Thread John Purrier
Thierry, this is a great way to keep the issues in front of people. We should continually (at least once a day) publish the bugs that are not assigned and being actively worked. OK, folks, we are in the crunch for Cactus... Pick up a bug and knock it off! John -Original Message- From: op

Re: [Openstack] Feature Freeze status

2011-03-28 Thread John Purrier
" The problem we've been having revolves around the fact that we have dozens of developers working on Nova, with no real guidance as to the long-term direction of the project, and teams just doing whatever the heck they want to, without ML discussion and blueprints, and then expecting people to

Re: [Openstack] Feature Freeze status

2011-03-28 Thread John Purrier
Hi Thierry, in addition to the technical sessions for Nova, Swift, and Glance at the design summit, I have asked Stephen to add "Project and Release management". You will own the time slots, once the PTL's are on board we will discuss how best to schedule the sessions. Thanks, John -Original

Re: [Openstack] Federated Identity Management (bursting and zones)

2011-03-28 Thread John Purrier
Agree that this is a tricky technical issue, and I agree that the issue of management of Authn and Authz should be external to Nova and all other OpenStack components. I believe there are two fundamental problems to be solved and that we will confuse ourselves if we try to mix them together:

Re: [Openstack-poc] PPB Meeting

2011-03-24 Thread John Purrier
I am OK with whatever the group decides. John -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Ewan Mellor Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2011 10:01 AM To: Jonathan Bryce; op

Re: [Openstack] Openstack API - Volumes?

2011-03-22 Thread John Purrier
I know that creiht is looking at this for Rackspace. Chuck, anything to add to this discussion? John -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Adam Johnson Sent: Monday,

Re: [Openstack] Queue Service Implementation Thoughts

2011-03-08 Thread John Purrier
Agree with Eric and Thierry on this. John On Mar 8, 2011, at 1:09 AM, Thierry Carrez wrote: > Eric Day wrote: >> If we hit performance issues with this type of application, we'll >> probably hit them around the same time with both Erlang and Python >> (then we'll look to C/C++). Since most Open

[Openstack] Updates to the OpenStack Governance Model

2011-03-03 Thread John Purrier
Updates to the OpenStack Governance Model have been made and are published here: A blog post with additional details is here: Comments: John John Purrier (206) 930-0788

Re: [Openstack] OpenStack Compute API for Cactus (critical!)

2011-02-28 Thread John Purrier
x27;s for these services. We may also need to up-version these service API's between Cactus and Diablo as they are currently under heavy discussion and design. John From: Erik Carlin [] Sent: Monday, February 28, 2011 3:16 PM To: John Purrier; openstack

[Openstack] OpenStack Compute API for Cactus (critical!)

2011-02-28 Thread John Purrier
Has anyone done a gap analysis against the proposed OpenStack Compute API and a) the implemented code, and b) the EC2 API? It looks like we have had a breakdown in process, as the community review process of the proposed spec has not generated discussion of the missing aspects of the propose

Re: [Openstack] Availability of RHEL build of Bexar release of OpenStack Nova

2011-02-25 Thread John Purrier
Good work folks! Do we understand what the dependencies/deltas are to support RHEL5 series releases? Has anybody done this? John -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf O

Re: [Openstack] Novatools ...

2011-02-24 Thread John Purrier
Sounds good. John -Original Message- From: Eric Day [] Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2011 6:17 PM To: John Purrier Cc: 'Devin Carlen'; 'Jay Pipes'; 'Josh Kearney';; 'Andy Smith';

Re: [Openstack] Novatools ...

2011-02-24 Thread John Purrier
l Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Devin Carlen Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2011 4:34 PM To: Jay Pipes Cc: Josh Kearney;; Andy Smith; openstack@lists.launchpad

Re: [Openstack] Novatools ...

2011-02-24 Thread John Purrier [] On Behalf Of Jay Pipes Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2011 12:20 PM To: Eric Day Cc: Josh Kearney;; Andy Smith;; John Purrier; Rick Cl

Re: [Openstack] Decoupling of Network and Compute services for the new Network Service design

2011-02-23 Thread John Purrier
And we are back to the discussion about orchestration... Given the flexibility of the OpenStack system and the goals of independently horizontally scaling services I think we will need to address this head on. #3 is the most difficult, but is also the right answer for the project as we look forward

Re: [Openstack] Decoupling of Network and Compute services for the new Network Service design

2011-02-23 Thread John Purrier
I agree, this is exactly where we want to take the network services for OpenStack. The goal should be to decouple Compute from Network, with an eye toward a project separation post-Cactus (this should have a lot of discussion at the next design summit). For Cactus we have explicitly kept the networ

Re: [Openstack] Queue Service, next steps

2011-02-21 Thread John Purrier
I agree with this. Unless there are significant, obvious advantages to Erlang I would suggest we stick with C/C++. John -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Tim Bell

Re: [Openstack] OpenStack Compute API 1.1

2011-02-14 Thread John Purrier
Bumping this to the top of the list. One of the key deliverables for Cactus is a complete and usable OpenStack Compute API. This means that using only the API and tools that interact with the OpenStack Compute API Nova can be installed and configured; once running all of the Nova features and funct

Re: [Openstack] Pondering multi-tenant needs in nova.

2011-02-07 Thread John Purrier
There are a lot of benefits to having an external system be responsible for handling usage data from Nova, Swift, or other OpenStack services. I would call out: 1. Simplification of code within each service. The collection and publication of usage data is "dumb". store the service usage d

Re: [Openstack] Pondering multi-tenant needs in nova.

2011-02-03 Thread John Purrier
I think Glen is on the right track here. Having the account_ID be a string with no connotation for Nova allows two benefits: 1) deployments can create the arbitrary organizational models that fit their particular DC, physical, and logical structures, and 2) the Nova code is simpler as the hierarchi

Re: [Openstack] Cactus Release Preparation

2011-01-31 Thread John Purrier
I would suggest that the theme(s) for the Cactus release be: a. Deployability. This includes consistent packaging and deployment tools support; but also includes good consistent documentation, approachability to the project (how quickly can a novice get a running system going for proof of concept)

Re: [Openstack] Network Service for L2/L3 Network Infrastructure blueprint

2011-01-31 Thread John Purrier
. We will target the Diablo design summit to discuss and review the progress made on these services and determine if the best approach to the project has been made. Thoughts? John From: Andy Smith [] Sent: Friday, January 28, 2011 4:06 PM To: John Purrier Cc

Re: [Openstack] Network Service for L2/L3 Network Infrastructure blueprint

2011-01-28 Thread John Purrier
ement code for this milestone. John From: Andy Smith [] Sent: Friday, January 28, 2011 12:45 PM To: John Purrier Cc: Rick Clark; Jay Pipes; Ewan Mellor; Søren Hansen; Subject: Re: [Openstack] Network Service for L2/L3 Network Infrastru

Re: [Openstack] Network Service for L2/L3 Network Infrastructure blueprint

2011-01-28 Thread John Purrier] On Behalf Of Thierry Carrez Sent: Friday, January 28, 2011 1:52 PM To: Subject: Re: [Openstack] Network Service for L2/L3 Network Infrastructure blueprint John Purrier wrote: > Here is the suggestion. It is clear from the response on

Re: [Openstack] Network Service for L2/L3 Network Infrastructure blueprint

2011-01-28 Thread John Purrier
Some clarification and a suggestion regarding Nova and the two new proposed services (Network/Volume). To be clear, Nova today contains both volume and network services. We can specify, attach, and manage block devices and also specify network related items, such as IP assignment and VLAN crea

Re: [Openstack] Deprecating nova-objectstore

2011-01-17 Thread John Purrier
>From the Swift perspective, Ewan is correct... objects are objects. Glance >associates meta-data with its objects to indicate they are virtual images. John -Original Message- From: [mailto:openstack-bounces+john=openstack@lis

Re: [Openstack] Deprecating nova-objectstore

2011-01-17 Thread John Purrier
This would make our API story cleaner (always a good thing). We are likely to have similar discussions about volumes (block storage) and network. John -Original Message- From: [mailto:openstack-bounces+john=openstack@lists.laun

Re: [Openstack] Lazy import of modules

2011-01-14 Thread John Purrier
Another thought, as we envision moving OpenStack forward we will likely be including code and projects that are not written in Python. Being forward looking should we structure openstack-common to segment along language lines? John -Original Message- From: openstack-bounces+john=opensta

Re: [Openstack] Glance x-image-meta-type raw vs machine

2011-01-10 Thread John Purrier
--- From: Jay Pipes [] Sent: Monday, January 10, 2011 10:26 AM To: John Purrier Cc: Ewan Mellor; Subject: Re: [Openstack] Glance x-image-meta-type raw vs machine And I think we need to come to an agreement on the terms used here... What is a &

Re: [Openstack] Glance x-image-meta-type raw vs machine

2011-01-10 Thread John Purrier
My 2 cents... We need to define a transport-neutral specification that allows us to encapsulate and copy/move a variety of virtual image formats, this should be based on OVF. The envelope can contain both the actual image as well as any required meta-data. The image elements specified are very

Re: [Openstack] [RFC] OpenStack Programming Model Framework

2011-01-04 Thread John Purrier] On Behalf Of Thierry Carrez Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2011 7:53 AM To: Subject: Re: [Openstack] [RFC] OpenStack Programming Model Framework John Dickinson wrote: > On Jan 3, 2011, at 6:13 PM, John Purrier wrote: >>

Re: [Openstack] [RFC] OpenStack API

2011-01-04 Thread John Purrier
Good points, I just deleted my post as you made my points J. The “devAPI” is valuable for developers/contributors to the OpenStack services for all of the reasons Vishy stated in terms of immediacy, access, and easy evolution. This should be internal to the project. Having a CLI to drive this

[Openstack] [RFC] OpenStack Programming Model Framework

2011-01-03 Thread John Purrier
this real. This is a doc effort as well, as the tenor of the developers documentation needs to be oriented to this approach. Comments? -John John Purrier (206) 930-0788 | <> OpenID: http:// <> john.

Re: [Openstack] [RFC] OpenStack API

2011-01-01 Thread John Purrier
[] On Behalf Of Jay Pipes Sent: Friday, December 31, 2010 5:29 AM To: Thierry Carrez Cc: Subject: Re: [Openstack] [RFC] OpenStack API On Fri, Dec 31, 2010 at 4:22 AM, Thierry Carrez wrote: > John Purrier wr

Re: [Openstack] [RFC] OpenStack API

2011-01-01 Thread John Purrier
in Cactus. Thanks, -John From: Christopher MacGown [] Sent: Thursday, December 30, 2010 5:28 PM To: John Purrier Cc: Subject: Re: [Openstack] [RFC] OpenStack API Hi guys, It is clearly important to establish a viable OpenStack

Re: [Openstack] [RFC] OpenStack API

2011-01-01 Thread John Purrier
Sounds like we need to update the blueprints for Bexar (quickly) to include the OpenStack API 1.0 command line tools. I believe Sandy Walsh is working on these. Dendrobates/Pvo, can we *quickly* get an accurate status on the 1.0 API and timing for Bexar? Here is the minimal set of functionality w

Re: [Openstack] [RFC] OpenStack Scope and projects

2010-12-30 Thread John Purrier
I can create wiki pages, where should they live? John From: Andy Smith [] Sent: Thursday, December 30, 2010 3:20 PM To: John Purrier Cc: Subject: Re: [Openstack] [RFC] OpenStack Scope and projects I would quickly say this should

Re: [Openstack] [RFC] OpenStack API

2010-12-30 Thread John Purrier
From: Sandy Walsh [] Sent: Thursday, December 30, 2010 3:27 PM To: John Purrier; Subject: RE: [Openstack] [RFC] OpenStack API Thanks John. That's a good summary of the plan. I still have a few questions, if you could

[Openstack] [RFC] OpenStack Image Formats

2010-12-30 Thread John Purrier
A discussion in order to set a common understanding of supported image formats in OpenStack and how the project can approach the issues surrounding various hypervisors, cross-cloud interoperability, and potentially setting some necessary development work items. Once the community has reached consen

[Openstack] [RFC] OpenStack API

2010-12-30 Thread John Purrier
The timing of this is interesting, as it comes when there is a lot of discussion about EasyAPI. I would like to encourage discussions about the EasyAPI extensibility mechanisms versus the OpenStack API v1.1 extension mechanism. Jorge, you will need to let folks see the proposed updates to the OpenS

Re: [Openstack] Merging baby steps or full branches

2010-12-24 Thread John Purrier
I like Jay's approach, this gives us a view into the project as a whole while maintain the bite sized merges that are digestible and less prone to regressions or unintended side-effects. -john -Original Message- From: [mailto:openst

Re: [Openstack] i18n support in nova

2010-12-08 Thread John Purrier
Yes, let's do the standard approach, no matter how easy! -johnpur -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Jay Pipes Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 2010 10:42 AM To: So

Beagle for Windows?

2007-09-06 Thread John Purrier (JunqBox)
Is there any project to bring Beagle to Windows? Any interest in this? -john ___ Dashboard-hackers mailing list