Bls: [agromania] butuh getah pinus

2015-05-27 Terurut Topik 'M.Tarom Al farabi' [agromania]
Terima berapa pak? franco mana? Pada Senin, 11 Mei 2015 7:06, "priyang mangku [agromania]" menulis: Saya butuh getah pinus. Kalau ada yg memiliki,mohon info harga,lokasi dan jumlah. Tks. = Mitra Bisnis Menanti Anda di: http://www

[agromania] Palm Kernel Expeller/Bungkil Sawit __MEDAN

2015-05-27 Terurut Topik [agromania]
We want to offer PALM KERNEL expeller ( PKE) in our company, We can supply Total about 20.000 tons/ MONTH and continuous production. very suitable for animal feed, and others, as well as an industrial raw material feed. PKE specifications as follows: Water: max 10% Oil Content: max 10%