Salam, Saya mau menawarkan Stok bungkil sawit di perusahaan kami, Jumlah stok ada 10-20 rb ton lebih..bisa kontinyu produksinya.sangat cocok untuk pakan ternak sapidll, dan juga sebagai bahan baku industri pakan ternak.lokasi gudang kami di Medan, dan spek bungkil sawit kami sbb: Spesifikasi : Kadar Air : max 10 % OIL CONTENT : 10.00 % MAX Kotoran : 10 % MAX PROTEIN : 11-14.00 % jika berminat kita siap supply berapapun kebutuhan anda, untuk info lebih lanjut bisa hub saya. Kami siap bertemu negosiasi,survey dan kirim barang kita ke tujuan anda. Terimakasih. AdiWitjaksono, PT TjipTa Karya SAMA, Medan Sumatra Utara Marketing Div. E : Hp : +62852 1311 0569 pin BB 3135D992 ================================================================= Best regards, I would like to offer stock of palm kernel meal in our company, amount of stock there are 10-20 thousand tons .. could continuous production. very suitable for cattle feed, and industrial raw materials as well as animal feed. Our warehouse location in the field, and our spec oil cake as follows: specifications: Moisture: max 10% OIL CONTENT: 10:00% MAX Dirt: 10% MAX PROTEIN: 11-14.00% if interested we are ready to supply whatever your needs, We are ready to meet the negotiations, surveys and send our goods to your destination. Thank you. . AdiWitjaksono, PT TjipTa Karya SAMA, Medan Sumatra Utara Marketing Div. E : Hp : +62852 1311 0569 pin BB 3135D992
(App.By Moderator Mora A)